What is the specific format of the undergraduate thesis? Please help me.

Graduation thesis format standards 1. Introduction 1.1 The purpose of formulating this standard is to unify and standardize the format of graduation thesis for undergraduate finance and economics majors in TVU in our province and ensure the quality of graduation thesis. 1.2 Graduation thesis should use the latest simplified Chinese characters, comply with the "Management Regulations on the Use of Chinese Characters in Publications", and be input, arranged and printed by the author on a computer. 1.3 The author of the graduation thesis should read a large amount of relevant literature before and after selecting the topic. The number of literature readings should be no less than 10, include them in the reference list, and indicate the reference number (arranged in the order of appearance) where the quoted content is quoted in the text. . 2. Writing requirements 2.1 Page requirements: Graduation thesis must be written on A4 (210×297mm) standard, white paper of more than 70 grams, and must be printed on one side; the margins of the graduation thesis should be set according to the following standards: the top margin (head) is: 30 mm; bottom margin (foot) 25mm; left and right margins: 25mm; gutter: 10mm; header: 16mm; footer: 15mm. 2.2 Header: The header needs to be set from the abstract page to the last page of the paper. Header content: Zhejiang Radio and Television University undergraduate thesis in finance and economics, centered, printed in Song font size 5, with an underline under the header. 2.3 Footer: Starting from the main part of the paper (introduction or introduction), use Arabic numerals to number the pages continuously. The page numbering method is: page x *** page x, centered, and the printing font size is Small 5 Song Dynasty. 2.4 The preface part is paginated separately starting from the content summary. 2.5 Font and spacing: The font of the graduation thesis is Song font size 4, the character spacing is set to standard character spacing, and the line spacing is set to a fixed value of 20 points. 3. Writing format 3.1 Numbering of graduation thesis articles and sections: numbered according to Arabic numerals. 3.2 The composition of the graduation thesis (arranged in the order of graduation thesis): Preliminary part: Chinese abstract on the cover, English abstract of keywords, keyword list page (if necessary) Main part: Introduction (or introduction) Main text conclusion Acknowledgments (if necessary) ) Reference appendix (if necessary) 4. Preface part 4.1 Cover: The cover format is in accordance with the unified format requirements for the cover of Zhejiang Radio and Television University's undergraduate finance and economics graduation thesis. All items on the cover page must be filled in truthfully and completely. Among them, the thesis title is a logical combination that reflects the most important specific content of the graduation thesis in the most appropriate and concise words; each word used in the thesis title must be considered to help select keywords and compile bibliographies, indexes, etc. The literature can provide specific practical information for retrieval; the paper title should generally not exceed 30 words. The title of the paper should avoid using uncommon abbreviations, acronyms, characters, codes, formulas, etc.; if the meaning of the paper title is not complete, a subtitle can be used to supplement the specific content of the paper. The specific contents are listed as follows: "Talent training model reform and open education pilot" of China Central Radio and Television University ×××× major undergraduate graduation thesis (small number 2 boldface, center) Thesis title: (number 2 boldface, center) Student name : (Italic No. 3) Student ID: (Healing No. 3) Instructor: (Healing type No. 3) Major: (Italic No. 3) Grade: (Balkane No. 3) School: (Healing type No. 3) 4.2 Abstract: The abstract is the content of the paper. Brief statements without notes or comments should be made in the third person. It should be independent and self-contained, that is, the necessary information can be obtained without reading the full text of the paper. The content of the abstract should contain the same amount of main information as the paper, so that readers can determine whether it is necessary to read the full text, and it can also be used for secondary documents such as abstracts. The abstract should generally describe the purpose of the research work, experimental research methods, results and final conclusions, etc., with the focus being on the results and conclusions. Generally speaking, diagrams, tables, formulas, etc., as well as non-public symbols, terminology, and non-statutory units of measurement are not used in the abstract. The abstract page is placed after the cover page. The Chinese abstract is generally about 300 Chinese characters in size 5 Song font. The abstract should include key words. The English abstract is the English translation of the Chinese abstract, and the English abstract page is placed after the Chinese abstract page. Those applying for a degree are required to have it, and those not applying for a degree are not required to use an English abstract. Keywords: Keywords are words or terms selected from the paper for the purpose of document indexing to represent the full-text subject content information items. Generally, 3 to 5 words should be selected as keywords for each paper. Separate keywords with commas and leave no punctuation after the last word. Place in prominent characters below the abstract in the same language. If possible, try to use standard words provided by vocabulary lists such as the "Chinese Thesaurus". 4.3 Table of contents page: The table of contents page consists of the serial number, name and page number of the chapter, section, article, appendix, bibliography, etc. of the paper. It is placed on a separate page after the abstract page. Chapters, sections, and subsections are numbered 1.1.1 and 1.1 respectively. .2 and other numbers are marked in sequence, or the table of contents page is not used. 5. Main part 5.1 Format: The writing format of the main part starts with the introduction (introduction) and ends with the conclusion. The main part must start on another page. 5.2 Serial Number Each chapter of the graduation thesis should have a serial number. The serial number is encoded with Arabic numerals. The hierarchical format is: 1 (3-point boldface, centered). The content is in small 4-point Song font). 1.1 (Bold font size 3, on the left) Content is in Song font size 4). 1.1.1 (size 4 boldface, left) content in size 4 small Song font).

① (Use Song font of the same size as the content) a. (Use Song font of the same size as the content) 5.3 Figures, tables, formulas, calculations, etc. in the paper must be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals. The serial numbers are divided into chapters and are coded sequentially. The labeling format should be easy to distinguish from each other. They can be as follows: Figure 2.1, Table 3.2, Formula (3.5), etc. 5.4 Note: If a simple explanation, explanation, evaluation, prompt, etc. of a certain issue, concept, viewpoint, etc. in the paper is not suitable to appear in the main text, it can be in the form of annotation. Notes should be numbered, and the serial numbers of the notes should be sorted separately in the order in which they appear on the same page. Use ①, ②, ③... to mark the places that need to be added in sequence, expressed in superscript form. Note descriptions begin with a serial number. The specific explanatory text of the note is listed at the bottom of the same page, separated from the main text by a left-aligned horizontal line that occupies 1/4 of the width of the page. Materials quoted in any form in the paper must be cited. 5.5 Conclusion: The conclusion is the final and overall conclusion, not a simple repetition of the summaries of each paragraph in the text. The conclusion should be accurate, complete, clear, and refined. 5.6 References: References should be documents that the thesis author has personally inspected and have reference value for the graduation thesis. References should be authoritative, and attention should be paid to citing the latest literature. References are uniformly sorted and listed in the order in which they appear in the entire paper, using the form [1], [2], [3]...

The format for expressing references is: Book: [Serial Number] Author. Translator. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication. Press. Publication time. Starting and ending pages of the cited part. Journal: [Serial Number] Author. Translator. Title of the article. Name of the journal. .Year.Volume number (number of issues).Start and end pages of cited parts Conference proceedings: [Serial number] Author.Translator.Article title.Proceedings title.Conference address.Year of meeting.Publication place.Publisher.Publication time.Start and end of cited parts Page

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