English Poetry Suitable for Reading in Kindergarten Large Classes


Joyce kilmer


Juye kilmer

I don't think I'll see it again

A lovely poem like a tree.

A tree, its hungry mouth is open

Embrace the sweet breasts of the earth again;

A tree that looks at God all day,

Raise her leafy arm to pry;

A tree that may wither in summer.

A nest of robins in her hair;

Whose chest does the snow lie on?

He lives close to the rain.

Only a fool like me can write poetry,

But only God can build a tree.

I don't think I will ever see a poem,

Lovely as a tree.

A tree, his thirsty mouth

Suck the dew of the earth.

A tree, he looks at the sky all day.

Hold your arms high and pray silently.

A tree, in his summer hair.

Robins nest and live.

A tree, snow lying on his chest,

He and Yu are good friends.

Poetry is sung by fools of our generation,

Trees can only be given by God.