In the sixth year (747), Du Fu was 36 years old. Gong Xuan ordered "artists" from all over the world to take the exam in Chang 'an, and Du Fu also took the exam. As Li, a former minister, wrote and told the farce of "the lifeless", all the Jinshi who took the exam lost the election. In order to realize his political ideal, Du Fu began to become Zebino of the powerful family, but there was no result. Du Fu was frustrated in officialdom and lived in poverty. From the first month of the tenth year of Tianbao (75 1), Du Fu's official shed was officially opened. Although Du Fu was appreciated by Xuan for presiding over three ceremonies and tributes at the beginning of this year, he didn't get a formal position because the examiner was Li.
In the first month of the 14th year of Tianbao (755), after four years' waiting, Du Fu was appointed as Hexi Wei (an official in charge of public affairs in the county), but he didn't want to do so, so the court asked him to join the army and become a Wei (a small official who protected military weapons and keys) who led the government. Du Fu 7 12-7 12, from Yaowan Village, Gongxian County, Henan Province. Du Fu's childhood was not happy.
When he was two years old, his mother died. He was in poor health and often fell ill. His father Du Xian was too busy with his career to take care of Du Fu, so I learned about Du Fu directly from his second aunt when she was promoted. However, Du Fu's second aunt loved her grandson very much. Under the careful care of his menstruation, Du Fu became stronger and stronger, showing extraordinary talent in poetry. Famous scholars Cui Shang and Wei Qixin sighed after reading Du Fu's works!