Wenguiyuan, far away, must be hidden. Either there is a sentence on the sentence, or there is a sentence under the sentence, or there is a sentence in the sentence, or there is a sentence outside the sentence. Talk less, don't talk more, you can call it far. In the past, the ancients said on painting: "Far mountains don't draw textures, far waters don't draw ripples, far trees don't draw branches, and far people don't draw eyes." That's the truth. Far away, the charm is long. The article has reached the point where it is full of charm and there is nothing to add. The predecessors said that Sima Qian's articles had profound feelings and exquisite themes, all of which were pinned outside the style of writing, pen and ink and ideological structure; He also said that Guo Zhongshu painted many peaks far away from the horizon with very little pen and ink, and almost no traces of pen and ink were seen. Therefore, Sima Qian's article is beyond the reach of Ban Gu. When the feelings to be expressed are over, the words will stop, which is the best language expression in the world. However, if that's all, so much the better. Where affection goes, words are not needed, but where words stop, affection is endless. Since Sima Qian, only Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu have gained a little.
Wen Guibian's Yi said: Tiger's fur changes with the seasons, and its color is brighter, while leopard's fur changes with the seasons, and its color is brighter. He also said: "Things are mixed with each other, so it is called an article." Therefore, the author is talking about change. The articles in the collection have changed, the chapters in the articles have changed, the language in the paragraphs has changed, the spirit has changed, the sentiment has changed, the realm has changed, the syllables have changed, and the words have changed. Only Han did this. The writing method is plain and strange, and it is appropriate to have both, so as to fully demonstrate the writing ability of the article. In ancient times, characters just appeared, and there were many real characters, but few in empty word. The four words of Canon, Mo, Xun and Patent in Shangshu are very primitive, mainly because of the incomplete grammar at that time. By the time of Confucius, function words had been detailed and complete, so people who wrote articles could describe all the forms of what they wanted to express. The emotion and charm of Zuozhuan are beautiful, and the article is dazzling. In the pre-Qin and Warring States periods, it was even more unrestrained. People in the Han dynasty had some restraint, and they could be strong and stable with a little movement, which only Sima Qian could do. People in the Tang Dynasty preferred sons to daughters of Han people, but most of them tended to be steep and stiff. The people of the Song clan system in the pre-Qin period gained a loose and unrestrained side of the pre-Qin articles, but they were not rich, and their mood and charm seemed a little weak. When writing an article, we must make full use of function words in order to fully display psychological modality. How can you ease the derogatory remarks casually? From this point of view, the weakness of the branches and vines and the lack of the deep and gloomy mood of the ancients are the places where the articles of future generations become more and more shallow. The grammar of historical articles looks complicated, but in fact this is what makes it simple, heavy and lovely.
Wengui gets rid of cliches. Han Yu talks about writing articles, taking getting rid of stereotypes as the first point. Later generations thought that Han Yu said this because he was particularly curious about writing articles. I wonder if the ancients didn't pay attention to getting rid of cliches in their compositions. Let's take a look at Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi and other famous artists. Have you ever used a sentence directly from your predecessors? Han Yu not only said that it is difficult to get rid of cliches, but also stressed that it is difficult to get rid of cliches. I read the article of a hundred schools of thought contend very well, but I am not allowed to copy a word. Isn't it difficult to give another speech completely? Han Yu said in Nanyang Fan Shaoshu's Epitaph: "How difficult it is to say what belongs to you and not repeat what our predecessors said!" This is exactly the same as "can't stop". Li Ao personally went to the Chinese language school to receive education and edification, so he discussed articles with the aim of innovating ideas and casting new words. The so-called innovation, such as the meaning of spring and autumn is different from poetry, the meaning of poetry is different from Yi, and the meaning of Yi is different from books. The so-called casting new words, such as describing the situation of laughter, use "laughter" in The Analects of Confucius, "dumb" in Yi, "shock" in the beam, "You Ran" in Ban Gu and "roll" in Zuo Si; The composition describing laughter in later generations is no longer suitable for using the above terms. Although Li Ao's words are a bit excessive, they are all taught by his teacher himself, from which we can get a glimpse of the main purpose of Han Yu's learning to write articles. Han Yu said in Nanyang Fan Shaoshu's Epitaph: "Only ancient people must have created their own words, and later people began to copy when they failed. Later generations rely on their predecessors and openly copy from each other. From the Han Dynasty to today, they used the old rules and regulations. " Today's people write articles, copy the ready-made sentences of the ancients in a brand-new way, and claim to have a source, boasting elegance. I don't know. It's essentially plagiarism. Someone once said, "Du Fu's poems and Han Yu's prose are all without a source." This so-called source means that whenever one or two words are used, there must be a basis, rather than directly copying other people's sentences. Besides, poetry is different from classical Chinese. Idioms can be used in poetry, but ancient prose must not be used. Therefore, Du Fu used a lot of ancient sentences in his poems, while Han Yu only used one or two words for the articles by historians. You can know that it is an article of future generations by using four words directly. Generally speaking, writing is an increasingly new thing. If Chen Xiangyin is involved, how can it not be bad? Even if it was originally meant by the ancients, it should be recast in words. Don't copy the ancients directly in the same way. It's called getting rid of cliches. I haven't changed the word, but it's not a word change method. People often say that "classics match classics, and children match children" refers to the eight-part essay on poetry and fu. If it is prose, then the characters in the Six Classics are all written.