What does a new baptism mean?

The new baptism in the New Testament originally refers to the baptism of John the Baptist in the Jordan River, which is a sign of repentance. Jesus himself was baptized by John.

For Christians, baptism is a Christian acceptance ceremony, through which believers' faith in Christ is expressed. Baptism is also divided into water ceremony and baptism.

The meaning of baptism:

The necessity of baptism partly comes from the command of the resurrected Christ to his disciples, that is, to baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, baptism is regarded as the condition and symbol of becoming a member of the church.

People who are baptized must sincerely repent. Generally speaking, you have to attend church worship for more than one year and receive special training courses from the church before you can participate in the baptism organized by the church. Baptism is indeed one of the important links of Christian rebirth.