Let the horn of prophecy ring! Oh, west wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? -(British) Shelley, meaning

Victory will certainly come, but the road is tortuous, and we will face a difficult situation immediately, but after the difficulties, we will move towards victory.

The horn sounded, heralding the arrival of a new human society. But before that, there will inevitably be chaos like the catastrophe symbolized by the west wind. The poet is full of confidence in the future, because spring will really come after winter.

This sentence comes from the fifth verse of Shelley's ode to the west wind. Ode to the west wind is a poem by Shelley, an English romantic poet. The whole poem consists of five sections, which are always sung around the west wind as a symbol of revolutionary power.

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Ode to the west wind is one of Shelley's "three great poems", written in 18 19. At that time, the workers' movements and revolutionary movements in European countries were surging. In order to fight for their right to exist, the British working class is waging a heroic struggle against the bourgeoisie, with machine destruction and strikes one after another. 18 19 In August, 80,000 workers in Manchester held a massive demonstration, and the reactionary authorities competed to send troops to brutally suppress it, creating the famous Petrou Massacre in history.

Shelley, full of grief and indignation, wrote a long poem "Masked Parade Tyranny" and made a solemn protest against the bloody atrocities of the bourgeois government. Since the collapse of Napoleon's monarchy and the restoration of Bourbon Dynasty in France, class contradictions have been extremely acute, and the broad masses of the people are brewing a revolutionary struggle against the feudal restoration forces. The disintegration of Napoleon's empire also greatly promoted the Spanish people's revolutionary movement against alien oppression and feudal autocracy. 18 19 1 Finally, the gunfire of an armed uprising rang out.

On the eve of the armed uprising, Heine presented an ode to the Spanish people and sounded the horn for the Spanish revolution. In Italy and Greece, the national liberation movement is in the ascendant. Shortly after the publication of Shelley's ode to the west wind, vigorous armed uprisings broke out in these two countries.