Guan Zhong and Peng Ji were puzzled when Huan Gong cut solitary bamboo and spring turned to winter. Guan Zhong said, "You can use the wisdom of an old horse." However, he let go of the old horse and followed it. He learned to walk in the mountains without water. He said: "Ants live in the sunshine of mountains in winter and in the shade of mountains in summer. One inch of ant soil, there is water. " It is digging for water.
With the knowledge of Guan Zhong's saints and friends, it is not difficult to learn from old horses and ants, but it is not too much to learn from the wisdom of saints with the stupidity of modern people.
Classical Chinese translation
Guan Zhong and Peng Ji followed Qi Huangong's Northern Expedition to Solitary Bamboo and returned to winter from spring. They lost their way on their way home because there was no guide who was familiar with geography. Guan Zhong said, "You can use the wisdom of an old horse." So I left the old horse in front of the army and let it go. People followed it to find their home. March in the mountains, there is no water to drink. Peng Ji said, "Ants live in the south of the mountain in winter and in the north of the mountain in summer. There is water when the soil of ants is an inch deep. " So I dug the nest and found the water.
With the wisdom of Guan Zhong and Peng Ji, it is not too much for people to admit their ignorance and learn from saints when they encounter things they don't understand, and it is not a shame to ask for advice from old horses and ants.
2. An old horse knows how to translate classical Chinese.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi Huangong led his troops to conquer the solitary bamboo country in conjunction with the troops of Yan and Wuduo countries, and defeated King Shanrong and General Huang Hua who fled to the solitary bamboo country near the solitary bamboo country. In the evening, Qi Huangong camped out for a rest. In the middle of the night, Huang Hualai defected to the enemy, holding the head of King Shanrong in his hand, saying that the monarch of the solitary bamboo country had fled to the desert, and the capital of the solitary bamboo country was an empty city.
The next day, Qi Huangong and Yan Zhuanggong followed Huang Hua into the capital of Solitary Bamboo, which was an empty city. Qi Huangong asked Yan Zhuanggong to stay here and led his troops to lead the way to the desert to catch up with him. At dusk, they came to a place called "Lost Valley" and saw a flat sandy land as boundless as the sea. Everyone can't tell the direction. Qi Huangong quickly sent someone to look for the yellow flowers, but the yellow flowers had already disappeared. Qi Huangong didn't react until he was cheated by Huang Hua. At this time, Guan Zhong, the minister of Qi, said? Quot I heard that there is a' dry sea' in the north, which is a very dangerous place. I'm afraid that's it. We can't go any further. "I stayed all night, and I didn't know how to get out at dawn the next day. I'm exhausted, and I'm in danger of hunger and thirst at any moment. At this time, Guan Zhong suddenly remembered that dogs and pigeons would never get lost no matter how far away from home, so he said to Qi Huangong, "Horses may know the way, so it is better to pick some local old horses and let them walk in front, so that they may be able to go out." So Qi Huangong had some old horses selected and let them lead the way. These old horses walked unhurriedly and really led a large group of people out of the mysterious valley. Qi Huangong immediately returned to the solitary bamboo country, killed Li Hehe and Huang Hua, and destroyed the solitary bamboo country.
The old horse knows the way.
Guan Zhong and Peng Ji (1) cut the solitary bamboo from Huan Gong (2) and confused them when spring came and winter came. Guan Zhong said, "You can use the wisdom of an old horse." Is to let the old horse go and get the way. There is no water in the mountains. Peng Pei said, "Ants live in the sunshine of the mountains in winter and in the shade of the mountains in summer. One inch of ant soil, there is water. " Dig it out and there will be water. It is not difficult to learn from the old horse ants with Guan Zhong's sage wisdom until you don't know it. Is it too much for people nowadays to learn the wisdom of saints with the heart of fools?
Note: ① Guan Zhong and Peng Ji were ministers who assisted Qi Huangong in the Spring and Autumn Period. ② Solitary bamboo: a small country in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Not difficult: I don't care, I'm not ashamed.
In 663 BC, at the request of Yan State, Qi Huangong sent troops to attack Shanrong, which invaded Yan State. The Prime Minister Guan Zhong and the doctor Peng Ji accompanied him. The Qi army went to war in spring, and it was already winter when they returned home in triumph, and everything changed. The army wandered around in a valley with high mountains and mountains, and finally lost its way and could never find its way back; Although many scouts were sent to explore the road, they still couldn't figure out where to get out of the valley. With the passage of time, the supply of troops became difficult. The situation is very critical. If we can't find a way out, the army will be trapped here. Guan Zhong thought for a long time and came up with an idea: since dogs can find their way home far from home, horses in the army, especially old horses, will also have the ability to find their way. So he said to Qi Huangong, "Your Majesty, I think the old horse has the ability to find his way. You can use it to lead the way ahead and lead the army out of the valley. " Qi Huangong agreed to give it a try. Guan Zhong immediately picked several old horses, untied the reins and let them walk freely in front of the army. Strangely, these old horses are heading in the same direction without hesitation. The army ran around with them, and finally got out of the valley and found the way back to Qi.
4. What is the translation and implication of the classical Chinese "Old Horse Know the Way"? Guan Zhong and Peng Ji followed Qi Huangong to explore solitary bamboo in the north and returned from spring to winter. They lost their way on their way home because there was no guide who was familiar with geography. Guan Zhong said, "You can use the wisdom of an old horse." So they walked in front of the army, let it go, followed it and finally got home. They marched in the mountains. When the soil of ants is one inch deep, there is water. "So they dug a nest and found water. With the wisdom of Guan Zhong and Peng Ji, they learned what they didn't understand, and they were not ashamed to ask the old horse for advice. Nowadays, people don't admit their ignorance and don't know how to learn and absorb the wisdom of saints. Is it too inspiring: an old horse knows the way "is used to describe a very experienced person." This night chapter is to encourage us to get in touch with daily life more and not to ignore this valuable experience. In your eyes, you may think that "experience" is very small and unremarkable, but it will grow a lot in the future! People like Guan Zhong and Peng Ji can pay attention to everything in their daily life, thus solving the problems of getting lost and lacking water! Assuming that Guan Zhong and Peng Ji have no experience in daily life, then Qi Henggong and the army will be trapped on the other side! Therefore, this kind of "experience" needs to be accumulated and applied in daily life. For example, MacKay Xian, which is often broadcast on TV, is familiar to everyone. Whenever Ma Gaixian encounters difficulties, he uses the knowledge he has learned from textbooks and his own experience to solve them. This is an example. The article "An old horse knows the way" inspired me, and I can only say two words. Wait a minute. I have one more thing to say. Experience is accumulated by oneself.
5.l Classical Chinese: the translation of the old horse knows the way. The story "An old horse knows the way" comes from "Everything is done wrong, Shanglin said".
Original text:
Guan Zhong and Peng Ji (1) cut off the solitary bamboo (3) from Huan Gong (2), and were confused (6) and lost their way (7) in spring (4) and winter (5). Guan Zhong said, "You can use the wisdom of an old horse." Let the old horse follow (9), and then (10) get the road (1 1). There is no water in the mountain of Hang (12), saying, "Ants live in the sun of the mountain (13), and in the shade of the summer mountain (15), and there is water in one inch of ant soil (15). He dug (17) land and got (18) water. With (19) Guan Zhong's sage (20), it is not difficult to learn the wisdom of friends until they don't know. (2 1) It is not difficult to learn from the old ants. Today, people don't know how to learn the wisdom of saints with their stupid hearts. Is it too much (24)?
1. Guan Zhong and Peng Ji: They are both ministers of Qi Huangong.
2. Crusades: Crusades
3. Solitary bamboo: refers to the solitary bamboo country, which is said to be the descendant of Shennong, an ancient country in the Spring and Autumn Period, in Lushui, Hebei Province today (refers to the Luanhe River today, and the solitary bamboo country is on the east side of the intersection of Luanhe River and qinglong river in the south of lulong county, Hebei Province today).
4. Go: Go to war
5. reverse: pass "return" back.
6. Confusion: I can't tell the direction, which means I am confused and can't tell right from wrong.
7. Lost: Lost. Road: the way home
8. Let go: Let go means to get rid of the fetters and let the horse walk freely.
9. follow: follow, follow. Then, follow it, follow the old horse, and the word "zi" is a pronoun.
10. Therefore: finally.
1 1. Got it.
12. OK: Go ahead.
13. move in.
14. Yang: North of Shan Zhinan Water.
15. Yin: North of the mountain, south of the water.
16. There is water in one inch of ant soil: according to legend, the ant seal (floating soil on the ground to prevent rain around the ant nest) is one inch high and there is water eight feet below; In ancient times, seven feet or eight feet was an inch.
17. Dig: Dig
18. Germany: I found it
19. With: With
20. Saint: Smart and savvy.
2 1. It is not difficult: don't. .. awkward
22. Teacher: Learn, consult and learn from ...; Learn from the old horse: learn from the old horse, consciously use, learn and imitate.
23. sage: wise man.
24. Fault: Fault
Guan Zhong and Peng Ji followed Qi Huangong's crusade against the solitary bamboo country, leaving in spring and returning in winter, and lost their way. Guan Zhong said: "You can make use of the intelligence of the old horse." So let go of the old horse and go forward, everyone followed, and finally found the way. There was no water to drink when we walked to the mountain. Peng Ji said, "Ants live in the south of the mountain in winter and in the north of the mountain in summer. If the ant seal on the ground is one inch high, there will be eight feet of water underground. " So I dug the ground and finally there was water.
With Guan Zhong's shrewdness and the wisdom of his friends, he met things they didn't know and did not hesitate to learn from the old horse and ant. Isn't it a big mistake that people nowadays are stupid but don't know how to learn from the wisdom of the wise?
6. An old horse finds its way through classical Chinese translation. Qi Huangong cut down a mountain, isolated the country and blocked the water in front of it, which is unfathomable.
Lost in the dark, Guan Zhong said, "Old horses are good at knowing the way." Put the old horse in front and follow it, and then get the word.
There is no water in the mountains. My friend said, "Ants live in the sun in the mountains in winter and in the shade in the mountains in summer. One inch of ant soil, there is water. " It is digging for water.
It is not difficult to learn from an old horse, an ant and Guan Zhong, but it is not too much for today's people to learn the wisdom of saints with their stupid hearts! During the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong and Peng Ji went to the lonely bamboo country with Qi Huangong. When they returned home in triumph, they got lost in the night March and couldn't move forward. Guan Zhong said, "An old horse knows the way."
So I let go of the old war horse and let it go freely. The whole army followed, and soon I found my way back to Qi. When passing through the mountainous area, the troops had no extra water storage.
Peng Ji said: "Ants nest in the south of the mountain in winter, in the north of the mountain in summer, and dig down an inch away from the ant nest to dig out the water." When people are ordered to dig the ground, it really gushes spring water from the ground.
With Guan Zhong's sage wisdom, it's not too much to learn from old horses and ants, but nowadays people don't admit their ignorance and don't know how to learn and absorb sage wisdom. .