Christianity believes that the first man was created by God, and he was a man named Adam.
The first human being created by God was Adam. Because he was afraid that he would be lonely, God took out Adam's rib and created a woman for him, Eve. Adam and Eve lived in the Eastern Garden of Eden built by God for them, where they had no worries about food and clothing and lived a happy life.
Christians are new creations in Jesus Christ, just like when God created Adam and Eve in the beginning. God has put His life in us, and we are His living image. In this sin-filled world, we must focus on obeying God's will and not following our own preferences. We must be like Jesus Christ, show how the glory of God is revealed, pursue the growth of spiritual life, and live it out through external behaviors.
The purpose of human life
To embody the meaning of life and pursue a valuable life. This requires living God’s life, demonstrating His glory and goodness, and obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because “he who sows to please his flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; whoever sows to please the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” Don't work just for the things of this life, because everything in this world will eventually pass away, and only what is in Jesus Christ will last forever.
Learn to obey God and the Holy Spirit, because those who do God’s will are blessed. We must learn heavenly character, pursue the truth, and testify to the truth, so that we can bear the fruits of life, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, and let others follow our actions. Yes, recognize that we are children of God. Only in this way can we live out the purpose God created for man.