202 1 Differences between Zhejiang Paper and New High Test Paper in College Entrance Examination

The proportion of each part is different. The national volume is divided into four parts, with modern reading accounting for 23%, ancient poetry accounting for 23%, language use 14% and composition accounting for 40%. The whole college entrance examination paper in Zhejiang Province is also divided into four parts, with language use accounting for 14%, modern literature reading accounting for 20%, ancient poetry reading accounting for 26% and writing accounting for 40%.

Each part is arranged in a different order. At the beginning, the national volume was about the reading of modern Chinese, while the Zhejiang volume was about the use of language and characters. At first it was about five multiple-choice questions, about pinyin, semantics, grammar and context. The use of language and characters in the national volume is placed in front of the composition part, and there are also more topics to make sentences.

National college entrance examination