How to wait quietly on God

Please remember that no matter what spiritual lessons we learn or what spiritual exercises we perform, we must never deviate from our center and goal—Jesus Christ Himself. All our good is not outside Him, and our hope and help come from Him (Psalm 16:2, 62:1, 5). The answers to all our questions lie outside of Him. All our needs are supplied from Him. He alone is our eternal satisfaction and He is the answer to all human problems. "But Christ is all and in all" (Col. 3:11). Whatever we do, we should do it to love Him and gain Him. Besides we should not have any other motives or purposes. Stop your work and enter into rest. Natural man always wants to do something. Therefore, when we begin to learn to wait quietly on God, we should not think about what to do. Should we pray first? Should we read the Bible first? When should we sing? Is it to be completely silent and not speak? How should we wait quietly on God? When we come to wait quietly for God, the first thing that matters is our mentality, not doing this or that. The most important thing is that we come before God, whether we sit, kneel, or prostrate ourselves before Him, it doesn’t matter. But the most important thing is that we know and believe in our hearts that we are coming into the presence of God. Let me say it again, to wait quietly on God is to come into the presence of God. This is a holy and blessed moment of quiet, if only we have this attitude and pay attention to all the movings of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and let them take their course. Have faith that the Holy Spirit will lead us. This is the mentality and confidence we must have every time we learn to wait on God. Please note, when we learn to wait quietly on God, this is when God is working in us. We don’t want to do anything, don’t think about anything, just stop completely and let (believe) God do what He wants to do in us. He knows our inner needs far more than we know ourselves. He always knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. It is enough for us to simply believe. Believe what the Bible says: "God works for those who wait for Him." (Isaiah 64:4) Keep your eyes on Jesus and wait quietly for God as an inner spiritual exercise. Therefore, what we need to focus on is not the method but the mentality, which is the attitude and conditions necessary to wait on God and obtain God. When she was young, Mrs. Guyon used to run around outside, searching for God through good deeds and other methods. Until one day, a spiritual senior who knew the indwelling Christ said to her: "Madam, why are you looking outside for God who lives within you?" Where is God?" This sentence opened Mrs. Guyon's mind at that time, causing her to turn inward and find her God in her spirit. Since then, the light of this inner life has been able to flourish and shine brighter and brighter in the dark age of the church until now. Therefore, we should no longer look outside for God who is waiting for us. He is within us. The so-called waiting on God means to quiet down, retreat inside, and concentrate on looking at Jesus Christ who lives in us. He has promised: "Whoever seeks will find. Whoever knocks, the door will be opened." God said, "If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me." (Matthew 7:8, Jeremiah 29:13 ) We must believe every word of God. Whenever we come to God and wait quietly for Him, the first thing we need to learn is to focus on Jesus and keep looking at Him in our souls. This is not only a valuable lesson we need to learn when we are quietly waiting on God, but also a life-long lesson.

(This article is excerpted from Waiting Quietly on God)