The original pinyin version of buying oil weng is as follows:
mài selling yóu oil wēng weng sòng Song Dynasty ōu Ou yáng Yang xiū repair.
chénchen kāngkangsùsugōnggongshàn is good at shooting, dāng should be the world's most unparalleled shuāngshuang, gōnggongyì also has the ability to use cǐ, so he is sincere and sincere. There is a man who sells medicine and sells medicine in the garden of a house. He stands alone with a large load of oil. He stares at it for a long time but does not drink it.
JiànSee qí its fā hair shǐ arrow shí ten zhòng bā eight jiǔ nine, but the wēi is slightly hàn chin zhī. kāngkangsùsuwèn asked yuē: "rǔyou yìzhīzhī know shèshehū? wúwuwu shèshebú is not yìalso jīngjinghū?"
wēngweng yuē said: "wúno Tat him, but shǒu is familiar with you." kāng kāng kāng sù su fèn angrily said: "ěr you an gǎn dare to Qīng Qing Wu Wu shè shoot! "The yóu oil zhī will be known."
nǎi is qǔ, take a yóu gourd and lúluzhì and put it on the ground. Use qián money to cover the mouth of the qí kǒu. Make sure the oil is drained and drained, then the money will be poured into the hole and the money will not be wet. Yin Yin Yuē said: "I am willing to have no one, I am only shǒu shú familiar with you."