How do ducks draw the third grade

The third grade picture of duck is as follows:

First, draw the circular outline of the duckling's head. After drawing the eyes of the duckling, draw the mouth and nostrils of the duckling. Then draw the duckling's body down, draw the outline of the tail line, and then draw the outline of the wings. After drawing the feet of the duckling, paint the feet and mouth of the duckling orange and red, and paint the nostrils black. Finally, paint the duck's body yellow and its neck blue, and the lovely duckling is drawn.

Duck is the general name of waterfowl in the subfamily Duckinae, or real duck. Ducks are smaller, with short necks, and some genera have bigger mouths. The legs are behind the body, so the gait is faltering. Most real ducks are different from swans and geese, and have the following characteristics: male ducks shed their skins twice a year; The legs are covered with overlapping scales; The cry shows some gender differences.

Three famous ducks in China: Gaoyou Duck, Beijing Duck and Shaoxing Duck. All real ducks, except duck and sea duck, are sexually mature in the first year, and they are paired in the breeding season, unlike swans and geese, which are paired for life. According to the unique behavior of ducks, ducks can be divided into three categories: drilling ducks, diving ducks and perching ducks. The mallard duck is a typical duck and the ancestor of most domestic ducks.

Habitat ducks, such as Moscow ducks, have long claws and are favorite arboreal ducks. There are the most kinds of diving ducks (including the ocean). The mallard flies from the south to the north to lay eggs in spring, and then flies to the south for winter in autumn.