4. Examine your commitment to God.

4. 1 We are committed to God, and we should be careful when taking care of our children.

? See if what we do pleases God?

? Do you raise children according to the Bible?

? Are children raised according to God's revelation?

4.2 The importance of inspection

In fact, many brothers and sisters adopt secular standards and methods when raising children.

Check whether we have sinned against God by doing so. Moreover, it is really harmful to children. If you think you love them, you are actually hurting them.

4.3 We should return to God.

Our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ must be clear.

? Exodus 20: 1 ~ 17, the ten commandments written by God, the first four commandments are about our relationship with God. The last six commandments are about our relationship with people. There is a heavy concept in this, that is, "no idolatry".

Many brothers and sisters will say, "I won't go to the temple to worship idols."

However, is there really no idol

Let us ask ourselves, why do we live on the ground? Or do we have a vision of God and regard God as our satisfaction and joy?

4.4 You should love the Lord your God with all your heart.

If you don't love God so much, if you want to give your children the best in eternity, then you are deceiving yourself.

Without this love for God, it is impossible to really raise children according to the Bible. If you don't know how to do it, you can't.

Therefore, we must commit ourselves to Christ, try our best to love God and return to God.

4.5 Obey and carry out God's commands.

(2 Tim. 3: 16 ~ 17) The Bible is inspired by God, which has great influence on teaching, supervision,

It is beneficial to correct people, teach people to learn righteousness, and make people who belong to God complete and ready to do all kinds of good deeds.

Raising children is a good thing, a beautiful thing, and a good thing that God wants us to do. What do we rely on? It's the holy spirit, it's the bible.

4.6 Just look to God and don't rely on your own wisdom.

We must rely on the Lord alone, not on our own wisdom, but on the Lord wholeheartedly.

4.7 The law of the Lord is perfect.

In our life, there is no scope that he forgot not to tell us. He knows everything we need.

(Ps。 19:7-9) The law of the Lord is complete and can awaken people's hearts; The statutes of the Lord are certain, making fools wise; The precepts of the Lord are upright and pleasing to the heart; The Lord's command is clean and can make people shine; The word of the Lord is clean and endures forever. The law of the Lord is true and completely righteous.

(Peter. 1:3) The power of God gives us everything related to life and piety, because we know the Lord who calls us with his glory and virtue.

Since we choose to live a godly life in Jesus, he has richly given us everything we need, and we live in God's word and blessing. Don't go anywhere else to find something other than God to meet our needs. God's grace is enough for our life.

4.8 Do not replace the Lord with other gods, lest your sorrow increase.

Today, many people live a hard and painful life as parents. In fact, he doesn't understand it himself.

But he blamed God and said, "God, how did you give me such a child?"

God said, "the child I gave you is not like this." You raised him like this yourself. You don't teach him according to my teaching method, and you blame me. "

Therefore, it is important to know God's upbringing! Obeying God's Word is very important!

No matter what you do, it is for the joy of the winner.

(2 after the forest. 5:9) Therefore, whether we live in the body or leave the body, we have made an ambition to please those who win.

We have made up our minds that no matter what we do, whether it is work, service, family management or teaching children, we must please God and get God's blessing.