The yellow Jin Cuodao is covered with white jade and shines through the window at night. Husband did not achieve fifty merits, and took care of the eight famine independently with a knife. Jinghua makes friends with all strangers, and life and death are emotional. Thousands of years of history, shame and anonymity, all of my heart reported to the son of heaven. You come to Tianhanbin to join the army, and Nanshan Xiaoxue is jade. Alas, although the three Chu families can destroy Qin, are they free for China?
[Appreciation] Here, when Lu You went to work in Sichuan in history, he wrote an inverted poem, praising Jin Cuodao's ambition to resist gold and serve the country. Shi Ran quoted the folk songs of Chu Che in the Warring States period as a contrast, and used rhetorical sentences to explain that Han people should have heroes to drive away the Nuzhen rulers and recover the Central Plains. Three households refer to Qu, Jing and Zhao. Although there are only eight words in Chu folk songs, they profoundly illustrate the truth that the people will never die and the people will be strong enough to save the day. Although Lu You lived in the Southern Song Dynasty when the national strength declined, based on his correct understanding of the people's hearts and minds, he firmly believed that there were still people in China, and his patriotic spirit was touching.