Oh, my god 12: 1 Brothers, when it comes to spiritual gifts, I don't want you to be ignorant. Oh, my god 12:2 When you were foreigners, you were misled by everything and served the dumb idol. You know that. Oh, my god 12:3 So I tell you, people who are moved by the Spirit of God have not said that Jesus is cursed. No one can say that Jesus is Lord unless he is moved by the Holy Spirit. Oh, my god 12:4 The original difference is given, but the Holy Spirit is one. Oh, my god 12:5 Although the Ministry is different, the Lord is one. Oh, my god 12:6 The functions are also different, but God works all things in ten thousand people. Oh, my god 12:7 the holy spirit appears in everyone for profit. Oh, my god The Holy Spirit gave this man words of wisdom. The Holy Spirit also gave this man the words of knowledge. Oh, my god 12:9 another man was given confidence by this holy spirit. Another person was given the gift of healing by the Holy Spirit. Oh, my god 12: 10 also hired a man to do miracles. A man can be a prophet. One person can tell the difference between souls. Another person can speak dialect. It is also called that a person can turn over dialects. Oh, my god 12: 1 1 all this is run by the holy spirit and distributed to everyone according to his will. Oh, my god 12: 12 is like a body with many limbs. And although there are many limbs, it is still a body. So is Christ. Oh, my god 12: 13 Whether we are Jews, Greeks, slaves and autonomous, we are all baptized from one Holy Spirit and become one body. Drink the water of the Holy Spirit. Oh, my god The body is not one limb, but many limbs. Oh, my god 12: 15 If the foot says that I am not a hand, I am not a body. Because this doesn't belong to the body. Oh, my god John said, I'm not an eye, so I don't belong to the body. Doesn't mean it's not physical. Oh, my god 12: 17 If you keep your eyes on all directions, where can you hear it? If you have ears all over your body, where can you smell them? Oh, my god 12: 18 But now God has arranged all the limbs in his body according to his will. Oh, my god 12: 19 If they are all one limb, where is the body? Oh, my god But now there are many limbs, but one body. Oh, my god Eyes can't say, I don't need you. The head can't say to the feet, I don't need you. Oh, my god 12:22 Not only that, but what the limbs think is weak is even more indispensable. Oh, my god 12:23 We regard limbs as disgraceful and add more dignity to them. Those who are not handsome are more handsome. Oh, my god 12:24 Our beautiful limbs naturally need no decoration. But God is worthy of this body and gives double dignity to those who lack it. Oh, my god In case the body is classified. Take care of each other forever Oh, my god 12:26 If one member suffers, all members suffer together. If one member is honored, all members will be happy together. Oh, my god 12:27 You are the body of Christ, and everyone is a member. Oh, my god 12:28 What God has set up in the church is first and foremost an apostle. The second is the prophet and the third is the teacher. Secondly, people who are in power. Once again, I was lucky enough to get treatment. Help others. Manage things. Cor who speaks dialects. 12:29 Are they all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are they all miracles? Oh, my god 12:30 Do they all have the blessing of healing? Do they all speak dialects? Are they all dialect translations? Oh, my god 12:3 1 earnestly seek that greater gift, and now I will show you the best way.