/a 7 1 ea 8d 3 FD 1 f 4 13405d 227 b 62 e 1 f 95 CAD 0 c 85 e 14? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 85 1。 Chesia Chelsea-The power to charm an angel equals the power to change. In ancient times, when God created everything in the world in six days, she was the incarnation of a poisonous snake, which lured Eve and Adam to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, angered God, and was expelled from the Garden of Eden and reduced to a mortal. She represents the worst side of human nature. She can give those violent people, criminals and angry people a power beyond God's world, but in the end, God will cancel this power and punish the soul.
/730 E0 cf 3d 7 ca 7 BC B2 a 32 e 5 e 7b 5096 b 63 f 724 A8 a 8? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 852。 "Lucifer" Lucifer-an angel who resisted the fall of angels (once the highest angel in heaven (the holy light, because of its excessive nobility, wanted to be equal to God, led one-third of heaven to resist angels and raise the anti-flag, and fell into Lucifer because of failure (called after falling into hell). Because his strength is to resist all good things, many people equate him with the devil, which is actually wrong. Resist angels. He is in charge of darkness and disaster, so he has always been opposed to God.
/0824 ab 18972 BD 4078 a57f 13570899 e 5 10eb 3096 1? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 853。 "Sera" Sariel-her ability to kill angels is very special, and she is the backbone of a powerful degenerate angel. She looks like a butterfly, with strong attack power and almost perfect ability. Killing Angels Killing Angels But God Killing Angels sealed her memory and her ability was temporarily sealed. She is a killer used by God to punish the wicked and other angels. Her power is so great that God has mercy on the victims. Legend has it that when Noah first built the ark, she appeared once, instantly creating a flood that drowned everything in the world. Three days before the doomsday trial, she also participated in and killed 1/3 of the total human population. This angel is the most dangerous
/C2 fdfc 039245d 68878 e 7906 cafc 27d 1ed 3 1b 24 14? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 854。 The angel of desire belongs to an angel who can corrode the human soul! Like Abraham and Huifre, he has a world of his own, which was established with the consent of God. Samle, the angel of desire, is the absolute master in it. Because there is only one letter difference between samle and degenerate angel, many people think that he is the leader of degenerate angel. Many religions believe in this angel, because this angel has his own world, which can satisfy all human desires. However, once you believe in him, it is tantamount to betraying God's world and your own soul.
/AEC 3793 10 a55b 3 193269 a0bd 48 a 98226 cefc 176 1? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 855。 "Abraham" Abraham, a twisted angel, is also very powerful. In order to prevent him from meeting his sister, God gave him special treatment. Twisted angels have the pain of losing their sisters and the fate of hanging the chain of God all day long. He retaliated against God with his own strength and twisted in God's world, because he and his sister can easily build a different world, which is no different from God's world. The power of this world is equal to or higher than God. He uses distortion in the world, so the human soul will die in a dream.
/242 DD 42 a 2834349 b 3 1 f 34 C4 DC 2e a 15ce 37d 3 be 04? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 VI. Bael- Angel of Light People like this angel because its power can eliminate people's fears and make people full of hope. Unfortunately, the angel of light is the only angel who openly betrays God. His body has been torn to pieces by Sierra. -But God sees him as an angel, so let him live in his own light forever. Berto degenerated and committed crimes because he colluded with Satan and turned it upside down day and night, thinking that he could gain the power of change and create disasters through changing power. He has no body, just a light among angels.
/CB 8065380 CD 79 123 DFA 9 b 6 BCA 6345982 B3 b 780 a 8? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 857。 "Fanny" Pthahnil-a rebellious angel, with the same name and strength, has a unique talent, although it can't create the world. This power is the power of self-change, but no matter how it changes, it will be punished by God, because God does not allow that power of change to exist. Explain that the power of rebellion can make things or ideas come true, change oppression and advocate self. Rebellious angel Rebellious angel advocates freedom. He often gives us this kind of power, but in the end he is subject to various restrictions.
/b 15 1f 8 1986 18367 a 3 1 195d 1525738 BD 4b 2 1ce 562? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 858。 "Maiyayi" Machonin-her strength is rarely recorded in ancient books, except that she represents human beings. It seems that her mind is full of angels, and angels are full of angels. Angels are good at lying, procrastinating, jealousy, framing and excuses. As for what kind of power permeates, no one knows and no one has seen it.
/c75c 10385343 fbf 2 F3 d 984 ebbb 7 ECA 8064388 f 04? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 859。 "Ben" Python-Without angels, his ability is very unpleasant, and he makes people lose things. We usually lose things or relatives because of him. But it is rumored that every time he takes something without angels, he must temper the human will, so as to give better things to mankind.