Verkita Degea
My Serbian rhythm,
Al mi filosofo dirin:
This is the rhythm
For, for, for.
My dear friend,
This is a wish,
Where do I want to go?
My dear friend,
Jus eldirin estanto,
Estanto is estinto,
Where am I?
My dear friend,
Sed ne venan estonto,
We're going to the South Island,
Where do I want to go?
Looking for time
yafu he
I'll find the time,
The philosopher told me:
This is the era-
Past, present and future.
I went to look for the past,
The past is the past,
Never come back,
Where can I find the past?
I'm going to find it now,
Just said "now",
It's over now,
Where can I find a gift?
I went to look for the future,
The future has not yet arrived,
The future will never come,
Where to find the future?