The content of the first natural paragraph of the ninth book of Chinese in Zhejiang Education Edition, Prime Minister Shili.
The weather is gray, cloudy and cold. The sidewalks on both sides of Chang 'an Avenue are crowded with men, women and children. The road is so long and there are so many people that you can't see the east end and the west end. People have black sand on their arms and white flowers on their chests, and their eyes are all looking at the direction where Premier Zhou's hearse is coming. An old woman with silver hair, with crutches and a locust tree on her back, waited anxiously and patiently. A young couple, husband holding his little daughter, wife holding their six or seven-year-old son, squeezed off the sidewalk and looked around. A group of tearful red scarves, arm in arm with each other, stood on tiptoe and looked at each other. ...