Psalm 3

(A) Thinking

Who wrote this poem? Under what circumstances is this poem? What's his purpose? Where are the books that record things in the Bible? (Inscription)

This is written by David.

When David fled from his son Absalom.

The purpose of writing poetry is to ask God for help.

④ 15: 13/ 17:29.

2. How many enemies does the poet tell God? What did they do to him? 1/2

How my enemies have increased.

Many people rose up against me; Many people say to me, "He can't get help from God.

2. What does the poet say the Lord is to him? What does he use to pray to God? What did the Lord say? 3/4

Lord, you are my shield around me, my glory, and you lift my head.

Call god with my voice.

He answered me on his holy mountain.

3. What state did the poet say he was in, and how did the Lord bless him? Therefore, he is not afraid of any crisis. 5/6

I lay down to sleep, I was awake, and the Lord blessed me.

Although tens of thousands of people gathered around to attack me, I was not afraid.

4. What does the poet call on God to do? seven

1) Lord, please get up! My God, please help me! For you have struck all my enemies on the cheekbones and broken the teeth of the wicked.

5. To whom does the poet declare salvation? What is his wish? eight

Salvation belongs to the Lord.

May you bless your people.

(2) Application

Think about why poets are not afraid of enemy attacks.

Have great faith in God.

(2) Strengthen inner trust in God.

(3) Know the power of God.

(4) Believe that God will listen.

⑤ Salvation must belong to God.

(Li Xia)