Oh, my god 10:5 All kinds of schemes and intrigues that prevented people from knowing God were broken, and everyone's mind was taken back, making them obey Christ.
The world is full of temptations and temptations, so Christians have to fight every day so that we can live a victorious life. So how can we experience victory? These two verses give the answer:
First, war depends on God.
? Paul mentioned here that our weapons of war are not based on blood, but on the power of God. In other words, when we face some failures, weaknesses and temptations, we can't rely on our own blood and artificial methods, which will not change us, but will bring more trouble. This is also the reason why we often fail in the same thing in our lives. So let go of everything and rely entirely on the power of God, so that you can win. Zech 4:6 And the Lord of armies said, We did this not by strength, not by ability, but by my spirit.
Second, the war should be broken.
Paul mentioned that powerful camps should be broken, and these camps are those arrogant and self-righteous thoughts and concepts that let us live in ourselves. If we don't break them, we will be used by the enemy, which will lead to evil behavior and make people farther and farther away from God. We may often live on ourselves, care about everything about ourselves and our feelings, so we can't live a happy and victorious life, but are full of sadness and pain. So we should break the enemy's tricks, not be used by the enemy like Adam, but overcome the enemy's temptation like Jesus.
Third, the war should be recaptured.
It's broken. If you don't take it back, it's useless. The enemy will still come in. So the real battle is to win back our hearts and turn to Christ completely, so that we can win. Why today's Christians can't win is because they haven't won back their hearts, so they were defeated by the enemy after a while and are still in the original weak position. ? Therefore, the key to the victory of the war lies in whether we completely turn to Christ and rely entirely on Christ.