As can be seen from the following verse:
Kidal belonged to Ishmael's son,
Gen 25:/kloc-0: 3 these are the names of the sons of Ishmael according to their genealogy: Nebaioth, the eldest son of Ishmael, Kedar, Jaber and Mibishan,
Isa 60:7 All the flocks of Kedar will come to you, and all the rams of Nebaioth will be for your use. I will be accepted on my altar, and I will glorify my glorious temple.
Kida also has a name, Oriental. Belongs to Arabs.
The countries of Kedar and Hazor, which King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked. Thus says the Lord, "Arise, O Chaldeans, go up to Kedar and destroy the children of the East. ?
Ezek 27:2 1 Arabs and all the leaders of Kedar have traded with you; They traded lambs, rams and goats with you.
Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar, an Egyptian.
Kida has a characteristic, that is, building tents, such as:
Psalm 120:5 Woe to me who sojourns in Meshech and lives in the tents of Kedar!
Song 1:5 O daughters of Jerusalem, though I am black, I am beautiful, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.
Xia suo:
When Jabin, king of Hazor, heard this, he sent messengers to Joba, Shimron and Asher, kings of Maton.
Joshua 1 1:2 and the kings of the northern mountains, the Araba Plateau in the south of Kinneret and the Dor Mountain in the west; ?
Joshua 1 1:3 went to see the Canaanites in the east and west, the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites in the mountains, and the Hivites in the land of Mizpah in Hermon Mountain. ?
Joshua 1 1:4 These kings and their armies came out, and they were as numerous as the sand on the seashore, with many horses and chariots. ?
Joshua 1 1:5 These kings met and came to the waters of Mirren, and camped together to fight against Israel. ?
Joshua 1 1: 10 At that time, Joshua turned and captured Hazor and killed King Hazor with a knife. Xia Suo has always been the head of these countries.
Joshua 1 1: 13 As for the city built on the mountain, Israel did not burn it except Hazor. Joshua only burned Hazor.
As can be seen from the above scripture, Hazor belongs to the land of Canaan, and later Hazor became the land of Israel. However, Hazor is not friendly to Israel. Instead of making peace with Israel, it joined forces with East, West, North, South and Mount Hermon to fight against Israel. Xiazuo is a city built on a mountain.
Joshua 15:20 This is the inheritance of the tribe of Judah according to their families. ?
Joshua 15:2 1 The cities in the south of the tribe of Judah near the east border are Xue Jia, Eder, Yagur, and?
Joshua 15:22 Chennai, Dimona, Adada,
Joshua 15:23 Kedis, Hazor, Etienne,
Shu 15:24 Siphon, Tilian, Biaqing,?
Joshua 15:25 Hazor Hadathar, that is, Elon Iscariot, that is, Hazor.
From this passage, we can find that Hazor is Israeli. This is the inheritance of the tribe of Judah.
Clue is broken, can only know:
Hazor later became the land of Israel, the property of the tribe of Judah, but before it became the land of Israel, it was not clear which nation it belonged to.
There are such people in the land of Canaan:
Deuteronomy 7: 1 The Lord your God brought you to the land where you are going to possess it, and drove out many nations from before you, namely, the Hittites, the Gaza, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, all of which were stronger than you.
According to this passage, there are seven nationalities or seven people in Canaan.
When Jabin, king of Hazor, heard this, he sent messengers to Joba, Shimron and Asher, kings of Maton.
Joshua 1 1:2 and the kings of the northern mountains, the Araba Plateau in the south of Kinneret and the Dor Mountain in the west; ?
Joshua 1 1:3 went to see the Canaanites in the east and west, the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites in the mountains, and the Hivites in the land of Mizpah in Hermon Mountain.
Hazor summoned all the nations and tribes in Canaan to fight against Israel, but he didn't invite a tribe, so this tribe is probably his own.
Hazor is a Gega.
Let's see if we can find any clues about Gegazar.
Chuang 10: 15 Sidon and Hittite were born in Canaan.
Chuang 10: 16 There are also Jebusites, Amorites and Gazans.
For Hazor is a kingdom from Canaan, the son of Ham and Noah.
This case has been completely clarified.