Paradise Cave: Aristotle's Elite School

30 kilometers (18.

6 miles), there is a city called Nowsa.

Naiosa is a place where fairies have been worshipped for centuries, and it is also home to many beautiful scenery. It is also a school where the famous philosopher Aristotle provides courses for some very important students. Aristotle is a student of the great philosopher Plato.

His philosophy is the continuation of his famous teacher and Socrates' works.

As Aristotle was one of the greatest thinkers of his time, King Philip II of Macedonia asked him to teach his son Alexander.

Aristotelian school is located in Asgard, Massachusetts, and its surroundings seem to come from a fairy tale about fairies and gods.

The scenery here is full of plants and fast-flowing water, and those dark caves seem to be perfect places to study philosophy and many other sciences.

In this beautiful place, Aristotle's students got all the knowledge of Aristotle's school in the 4th century BC, a painting created by gustav adolf Spangenberg in the 880s.

Aristotle founded a school in a cave. This area is full of ancient ruins except a refuge specially built for fairies.

Some of them, including the wall columns of the two-story Ionian arcade, are still well preserved. This school is made up of three natural caves.

Aristotle thinks this is a perfect school foundation.

The rock has a vertical surface, and the opening supporting the roof girder is still clearly visible today.

The tiles and clay on the roof of the porch are on display in the Archaeological Museum of Veloa, where the great philosopher and his students stroll and teach them about the moral and political world, which has not changed much for centuries.

It is still on the bank of the river, covered with paths and dense vegetation, while the cool streams around it gush out from the springs, and the calm water flows, the Aristotelian school (CC by-SA 2.

0), Aristotle may have been born in Stajila in 384 BC, Cretaceous, on the northern edge of classical Greece.

His father is Nico Marcus, he is a doctor, and his mother is Fastia. He may also be related to medicine (although the details are unknown). Besides Aristotle, they have a son named Arim Nestor and a daughter named Arim Nestor.

Aristotle's parents died when he was very young, but he had a guardian to take care of him.

Proch Senus of Artaneus educated Aristotle for several years before sending him to Plato's Academy in Athens.

When Aristotle was eighteen, he joined Plato's Academy in Athens and stayed there until he was thirty-seven.

In 347 BC, Aristotle left here and became very popular among the capital Pella and nobles.

At first, Aristotle contributed to Platonism, but after Plato's death, he was immersed in empirical research and turned from Platonism to empiricism.

Aristotle believed that concepts and knowledge were ultimately based on perception.

His views on natural science are the basis of many of his philosophies.

Aristotle's works cover many subjects, including biology, zoology, metaphysics, psychology, physics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, drama, music, rhetoric, linguistics and politics.

His analysis results created a view of physical science that had a far-reaching impact on medieval learning, which lasted until the Renaissance, until the Enlightenment and classical mechanics were systematically replaced.

Many of Aristotle's zoological observations, such as those about the reproductive arm of octopus, were not confirmed or refuted until the19th century.

Some of his works also include the earliest known study of logical forms, which became the basis of modern formal logic in the19th century and was the leader of Aristotle.

Imitating the lost bronze sculpture in the imperial era (1 or the 2nd century), made by Lucibos.

(cc BY-SA 2.

As for his appearance, Aristotle is a rather short man. He is bald and has small eyes.

He likes expensive clothes and things.

Otherwise, he may never become an influential teacher because his students are very demanding.

Shortly after Plato's death, Aristotle left Athens and began to tutor Alexander the Great in 343 BC at the request of Philip II of Macedonia.

Aristotle was also the teacher of other important people of Alexander's generation.

In addition to the great king of Macedonia, he also taught other nobles in the court of Macedonia, including Ptolemy (the founder of Ptolemy Kingdom in Egypt) and Cassander (the future king of Macedonia), Raphael, Athens Academy, murals,1509-151year (Vatican

But his purpose is to teach them to create an independent point of view, so the books he uses are only in a commemorative way. For those who are already familiar with his teaching style, Aristotle is a lover of Homer's Iliad. He taught Alexander and his friends to make corrections according to his copy, which is called coffin replica.

This knowledge was very important to Alexander in many battles.

He always cares about his Iliad, Iliad, Volume VIII, lines 245-53, and Greek manuscripts. At the end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century, Alexander loved and cherished Aristotle as much as a philosopher loved and cherished his father. He said that he accepted life from one person and taught him a better life from another.

When Aristotle returned to Athens in 335 BC, his former disciples were preparing to conquer the Persian Empire.

In Athens, Aristotle established a school called School, where he taught for more than ten years. He died in 322 BC, one year after Alexander died.

Nowadays, many tourists come to Nowsa every year.

These visitors sat where Alexander and Aristotle once talked about philosophical topics, trying to feel the wisdom of ancient masters.

Characteristic image: Athens School, Raphael's mural (1509- 15 10), an idealized college.

She worked in Gookins from February 20 15 to April 20 17.