Russian Translation —— The Contribution of Russian Translation to Literature

The translation principles of Russian literature are of great practical significance. It can promote the development of Russian literature translation from three aspects, and even promote the development of the whole translation cause, thus helping the actual struggle of our society.

First of all, the translation principle of Russian literature is the methodology of translation art and a practical guide for translators. Of course, the study of the principle of literary classification cannot replace the translator's talent, but the scientific system of Russian literary translation principles can:

Point out the direction for the translator's talent, help the translator find the right path, help the translator test his own translation ideas and methods, and avoid detours.

Help translators find theoretical basis for their own translation methods and turn fragmentary experience into systematic experience, thus reducing blindness in their work and preventing empiricism.

Secondly, the translation principles of Russian literature can help readers to analyze, appreciate and evaluate the increasing number of translated works in Russian literature, and understand which advantages and disadvantages of Russian translated works should be attributed to the original author and which should be attributed to the translator.

Third, there are many political and scientific works with different degrees of literary color. When these works are more or less literary, the principles of Russian literary translation are also applicable to these genres of works.

Therefore, the principles of Russian literary translation can help us improve the level of Russian literary translation, help our Russian translation cause to further prosper and develop, and thus promote our socialist construction.

Russian is one of the official languages of the United Nations and the Russian Federation.

Russian belongs to the Eastern Slavic branch of Slavic language family. It is mainly used in Russia and other member countries of the former Soviet Union, and is widely used as the first foreign language teaching in schools in Warsaw Treaty member countries. During the Soviet period, Russia was highly valued among the countries it joined. Although many countries in the former Soviet Union have begun to emphasize the importance of local languages, Russian is still the most widely used language in these areas, and it is also the language used by these countries in communication. Norwegian Russian is a mixture of Russian and Norwegian. It is the only official language of Russia and one of the official languages of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.