Time management: Why should we waste time?
Why should we waste time? Why? Cherish time? So hard? 7 reasons hit the nail on the head, it is too difficult to cherish time and not waste it, that is, you, me and him?
Since kindergarten, the teacher has taught us to? Cherish time? Police station, when we were young, we just recited a dozen casually: what? If I live until tomorrow, everything will be in vain? What? If you don't work hard, the boss will be sad? What? With timely encouragement, we can tell a basket of stories that cherish time, and time waits for no one: what is the head hanging on the beam, what is Sima Guang's police pillow, and what is Lu Xun's engraving? (early) morning
However, as we grow older, we will find that all the proverbs and stories that cherish time are? Pit dad? Cherishing time can't be solved by reciting a few poems, recalling a few stories and posting a few mottos.
However, before solving the problem, we must first understand the nature of the problem. Why should we waste time?
Reason 1: too much interference.
In modern society, interference is definitely the number one killer of time.
Have you ever encountered such a situation when you are absorbed in sitting in front of the computer and preparing to write a paper? Suddenly, the voice of Didi Didi on QQ sounded, and the freshness of Renren.com was jumping. Suddenly, your classmate called to ask you out to play. Outlook pops up an email from the boss asking you to do ABCDEFDG. When you successfully handle these things in m minutes, maybe your idea of writing a paper has been interrupted countless times. You need to spend another n minutes to find your original idea. If your idea is wrong, you need to spend another p minutes to correct it. So the extra time loss caused by interference becomes m+n+p minutes.
Reason two: low efficiency.
When you are out of interference, inefficiency becomes the main reason for wasting time. This is generally related to the individual's physical and psychological state. If you are in a bad mood or in poor health, your efficiency is not high. Just like when you have a fever, you can't think clearly. When you are angry, you have no intention to do your homework. In the college entrance examination, I will take two subjects in a row, and the second subject is easy to play badly.
Reason three: forgetting things.
Have you ever had such an experience? There are many things to do, but you don't remember any of them. So, I thought it was free time, playing at will. As a result, on the last day of playing, I suddenly found that the day had passed, but many things had not been done.
Reason 4: No motivation.
To avoid forgetting, you can stick a "make list" on the refrigerator. However, when you see these lists, you have no motivation at all. So you made something else up? Kill time? Things to replace those you originally listed will be wasted one day.
Reason 5: Procrastination
Procrastination is essentially a manifestation of lack of motivation. But ordinary? No motivation? The difference is that you may have great motivation to do things that are delayed. However, the greater the motivation, the more afraid I am to do it, for fear that I can't do it well, so I remind myself again and again to wait until the conditions are ripe and I have accumulated enough. Things put off again and again?
Time is wasted in it?
Reason six: regardless of weight
This is a hidden time killer.
Suppose you are a person who doesn't procrastinate. When something happens, do it at once. You will still cause a waste of time. Why?
If you don't care about things and follow the order of discovery, you will probably find that on endoftheday, all you do is trivial things, and more than half of the really important things are not done.
Reason 7: Love is light and hate is heavy.
Well, suppose you can distinguish the importance of things, but what about yours? Delayed complications? When I have an attack, I always choose something easy to do. You may still go back to reason 6. You seem to cherish your time and work hard, but you still lost a lot of four things you shouldn't spend.