The mission and responsibility of young people in the new era Gu once said, "Every man has a responsibility to prosper the country." Responsibility should be an ethos, not only a quality that a gentleman should possess, but also a criterion that everyone should adhere to. The Wanzhou bus crash seems to be a contradiction between passengers and drivers, but are those indifferent spectators really completely innocent? If someone stood up and stopped the work, the tragedy would not have happened. So being a responsible person is good for yourself and others.
It is an attitude, but also an action responsible for everyone. When Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, the corrupt Qing government could not resist, but the people consciously organized the Boxer Rebellion. They attacked foreigners and destroyed railways; They are not afraid of guns or cruel enemies. Most of them are illiterate farmers, and the "humble country that dare not get carried away" is best interpreted in them. This is the responsibility! Taking responsibility is the ability to keep calm in times of crisis, so that you can save the day. Zuckerberg became famous when he was young, and big companies such as Microsoft extended an olive branch to them, but he refused. Since then, he founded Facebook, but the success was not smooth sailing.
Soon, "Facebook" was riddled with lawsuits for infringing users' privacy, and he also fell to the bottom overnight. The difficult situation once made him want to sell the company to Google, but he firmly believed that his operation was correct. So he chose to take all the responsibilities, apologize to the users, compensate for the losses, and launch the function of custom display dynamics in time. Facebook has finally saved the day, and the number of users is increasing day by day. People can be without talent, but they can't be without virtue. Responsibility is one of the most important virtues. The elders at home taught me very early, "If you have shoulders, you must take responsibility, and you must dare to do it."
Taking responsibility is valuable, it can win opportunities and overcome difficulties for you now; Only when you have responsibility can you have motivation and do your best in everything. Because of his responsibility, Wei Gongzi, who could have stayed out of it, stole the operator and saved Zhao; Because of their responsibilities, Qian Xuesen and his wife, who enjoyed a superior life abroad, resolutely returned to China; Because of the responsibility, when the crisis came, Captain Sally stepped forward. As young people in the new era, we should have a sense of responsibility for our family, our work and our country-"We should shoulder heavy burdens bravely".
The mission and responsibility of youth is "the mountain has a backbone and stands tall, and the state-owned youth stands tall."
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Have you ever met a group of people?
They look at me today and chase the sun tomorrow; They lit a lamp in one breath; They dare to be the first in the world and die a martyr. They shoulder heavy responsibilities with iron shoulders and shine through the ages. They are the youth of China.
I've seen them bleed for their country. Du, a "model of the times", faced with unknown explosives in mine-clearing operations, used the phrase "stand back and let me come" to cover the safety of his teammates and was heroically injured. He used his life to undertake the mission of a new generation of heroic soldiers. Coincidentally, Wang Jie, a young soldier in the army, died heroically in a training to cover the militia. I still remember the words of the secretary, "We should learn from the spirit of Wang Jie and let the spirit of Wang Jie shine in the new era." They use their young and fiery souls, their youth and blood to write an epic of youth that never fails.
I've seen them take responsibility. When Lin Ming was in charge of the construction of Runyang Bridge, in order to excavate the deep foundation pit with great difficulty coefficient, he gave up his personal safety and stuck to the construction line with the construction workers. "The value of a bridge lies in bearing, and the value of a person lies in bearing." He finally successfully completed the task, and his decisiveness and responsibility also laid the groundwork for him to be the chief engineer of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Not only is Lin Ming walking in the blue, but another group of people are also moving forward. At the beginning of 2020, the streets of Wuhan were empty, but the national anthem was sung all over the streets. On the eve of New Year's Eve, at the command of several volunteer service teams and tens of thousands of medical staff, the handprints dyed bright red by the soul were printed on the gauntlet without hesitation. They are fearless. They are all young people in China. They tried their best to fight for their motherland.
I have seen them defend their mission to the death. "He will never walk into the darkness like a lonely hero. His blood and oath are like silent evidence, even if he faces the abyss for a lifetime." I can't say their names, but they all have the same title as drug police. After their death, they were honored as people without monuments. They are concerned about the motherland, the people and their loved ones. It is because of the boiling blood in their chests that they are not afraid of the abyss in front of them. They are also young people in China. With firm faith, they will defend their mission to the death, and they will never be able to cool their blood.
You don't see, the young Zhou Yu Jin Ge is an iron horse, and he is completely loyal to Wu's "no obedience, no fake year"; Didn't you see that Tan Sitong died in Guo Xu in the past, "I laughed for nine days and went to live in two Kunlun Mountains"; Have you noticed, Mr. Lu Xun put pen first, "May the youth in China have a hot hair and a light, and don't have to wait for the torch fire", expecting their appearance, which is the appearance of the youth in China.
If there is light in youth, China will not be dark; When young people get hot, there will be no winter in China. With the dauntless spirit of being the best in the world, our generation should carry out the firm concept of "Don't cling to fantasy, don't cling to empty voice" and strive to become a new generation of China youth with the help of young people.