Look at Tao Yuanming. He is a very standard dignitary. His ancestors were the founding fathers, and his grandfather and father were both chiefs. Although his father died a little early and could not protect him for long, at least his uncle was there. At the age of 20, he went to be an official. His uncle recommended him as a county magistrate, but he was still unwilling. He went home two months later. People go home, have land, live a carefree life, and are quite confident. Therefore, later generations also passed a much-told story, that is, there is no need to bend over for five measures of rice. After being admitted to the imperial examination of the Ming Dynasty, he will be a county magistrate. Now, you can't even get the first place in the civil service exam, and you can't even do the touts of the county government, so don't imitate him if you like him and respect yourself.