The names, portraits, reputations and honors of heroic martyrs are protected by law. No organization or individual may insult, slander or otherwise infringe on the names, portraits, reputations and honors of heroic martyrs in public places, on the Internet or by means of radio and television, movies and publications. No organization or individual may use the names and portraits of heroic martyrs as trademarks or commercial advertisements in disguised form, thus damaging the reputation and honor of heroic martyrs.
Article 25 of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs, close relatives of heroes and martyrs may bring a lawsuit to the people's court according to law against the name, portrait, reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs. If a heroic martyr has no close relatives or his close relatives do not bring a lawsuit, the procuratorial organ shall bring a lawsuit to the people's court for acts that infringe on the name, portrait, reputation and honor of the heroic martyr and harm the public interests.