Chapter 65438 +0 to Chapter 2: God has existed since the beginning of everything. God created heaven and earth in the order of light, heaven, earth, stars, creation and man, and the last day was the Sabbath.
Feeling: God's love for mankind is so great that everything was ready for him at the time of creation. This also implies our daily life, working for 6 days and having a good rest on the last day.
Chapter 3: God created man in his own image. Originally, they could live a carefree life, but because they listened to the temptation of the devil and ate the fruit of the tree of good and evil, they committed a great crime. Since then, human beings have been born with original sin.
Feelings: We are often tempted to forget God's commandments and only see the immediate interests in life. We should be vigilant, always think of God's commandments and be a true Christian.
Chapter four: two sons of Adam, Jiayin and Abel, Jiayin killed Abel because of jealousy. When God knew this, he didn't give up on him completely and gave him a signal so that no one could hurt him.
Feeling: God teaches us here that we can't give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye to the wicked. If we do this, how are we different from them? Their retribution is decided by God, not by us.
Chapter 5: This chapter is about the descendants of Adam until Noah, who all lived for a long time.
Feeling: God clearly remembers everyone's name and life span, which shows that everyone is precious in God's eyes.
Chapters 6 to 8: The earth is full of evil, and only Noah enjoys love in the eyes of God, so all human beings except Noah's family are wiped out. When the flood receded, pigeons came back with olive branches, symbolizing that everything was back to normal. Since then, God has never wanted to destroy all living things because of man's sin, because man's mind has been evil since childhood.
Feeling: God in the Old Testament gives me the feeling of justice, majesty and, of course, kindness. He was angry with sin, and he protected a just man like Noah.
Chapter 9: God makes a covenant with all things. All flesh and blood will never be annihilated by floods, and no more floods will destroy the earth.
Feelings: This is the covenant in the Old Testament, which echoes the New Testament later made by Jesus Christ. It's all God's love for mankind.
Chapters 10 to 1 1: It tells that the descendants of Noah have multiplied the earth, and all the nationalities on the earth come from Noah. There is also the confusion of Babel, which makes the world multilingual. And the descendants of Noah to the generation of Abraham.
Notes on Genesis Chapter 1 Section by Section
Gen 1: 26 God said, We will make man in our image, in our likeness, and make them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the earth, the whole earth and all the insects on the earth.
_ Meaning Note _ "God" is a singular word and "we" is a plural pronoun; Once again, it implies that God is a Trinity.
Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit all belong to the same God.
Genesis 1 Chapter 1 Interpretation of Section 2
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. The earth is empty and chaotic, and the depth of the surface is dark; The spirit of god runs on the water.
Question 1: When was the first time?
Literally, if Adam was created on the first and seventh days, then the archaeological time of Adam is about 6000 years ago.
Question 2: What did God use to create heaven and earth?
Isaiah 44:24 I, the Lord, am the creator of all things; I spread out the heavens and the earth by myself. Spread the sky, spread the ground.
Jeremiah 10: 12 the Lord created the earth with his power, established the world with his wisdom, and stretched out the sky with his wisdom. Ability, wisdom and cleverness. Psalm 104:24 also mentions wisdom.
Jeremiah 32: 17 o Lord god, you created heaven and earth with your great power and outstretched arm, and nothing is difficult for you. Great strength and open arms. Jeremiah 27:5 also talks about power and an outstretched arm.
Isaiah 45: 12 I made the earth, and I also made man on it. I spread the sky with my own hands, and everything in the sky is my destiny. Hands and fate. Psalm 1 19:73, Isaiah 6:22, Psalm 138:8, Isaiah 4 1:20, Isaiah 45:9, Hebrews1:/kloc-0.
Psalm 33:6 The heavens were made by the word of the LORD, and the LORD of hosts was made by the breath of his mouth. -Command, breathe in your mouth.
Psalm 8:3 I looked at the heavens made by your fingers, and the sun, the moon and the stars you arranged. Fingers.
Malachi 2: 15 Although God has spiritual power, he can create many people. Spiritual strength. Job 33:4 also mentions spirit and harmony.
Hebrews 1 1:3 By faith, we know that the world was created by the word of God. The word of god.
Hebrews 1:2 has made him the inheritor of all things and created the world through him. Son of god. The Gospel of John 1:3 also mentions that it was made by the Son of God.
Summary: The creation of God mentioned in the scripture includes God, God's only son, God's spirit, God's commands, words in the mouth, breath in the mouth, spiritual strength, outstretched arms, hands, fingers, ability, wisdom and cleverness.
Question 3: What is the state of emptiness, chaos and darkness?
At that time, there was no air or light, and the ground was full of water. Or similar to the dark and calm sea at night, endless, endless.
Question 4: How does the spirit of God run on the water?
Jeremiah 23:24 The Lord said, "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth? God is full of heaven and earth.
John 3:8 The wind blows as it pleases. You hear the wind, but you don't know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Holy Spirit. The wind blows at will.
Conclusion: Can it be understood that the spirit of God filled the sea at that time and ran like the wind?
Invite brothers and sisters who have doubts about the Bible to ask questions, answer them when they know, study the Bible, discuss and promote each other. Please also ask your brothers and sisters to help forward and build this note together. Let this note make light and salt in this impetuous generation. May the Lord bless the brothers and sisters who are willing to pay for this work. Thanks for your support and encouragement.
Genesis 1 Chapter 3 1 Interpretation
At first, God created heaven and earth. 1:2 the ground is empty and chaotic, and the deep side is dark; The spirit of god runs on the water. 1:3 God said, "Let there be light." There is light. 1:4 When God saw that the light was good, he separated the light from the darkness. 1:5 God called light day and darkness night. There is evening and there is morning. This is the first day. 1:6 God said, "Let there be air between the waters and divide the water into two layers." 1:7 God created the air and separated the water under the air from the water above the air. That's it. 1:8 God called the air heaven. There was evening and there was morning. This was the second day. 1:9 God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered in one place, so that the dry land can be exposed." That's it. 1: 10 God called dry land and water sea a gathering place. God looks good. 1: 65438+ That's it. 1: 12 so there are grass and seed-bearing vegetables, according to their types; And a tree that bears fruit, according to its kind, whose fruit is enclosed in a pit. God looks good. There was evening and there was morning. This was the third day. 1: 14 God said, "There should be light bodies in the sky, which can be divided into day and night, marked, appointed festivals, days and years, 1: 15, and make them shine in the sky and on the ground." That's it. 1: 16 So God made two big lights, the big one controls the day, the small one controls the night, and he also made stars. 1: 17 arranges these lights in the sky and shines on the ground. 1: 18 controls the day and night respectively. God looks good. There was evening and there was morning. This was the fourth day. 1:20 God said, "Let the water abound with living things, and let birds fly above the ground and in the sky." 1:2 1 God created big fish and various living creatures that breed in the water, each according to its kind; He made all kinds of birds according to their species. God looks good. 1:22 God blessed all this, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the sea; Birds should also be born on the ground. " There was evening and there was morning. This was the fifth day. 1:24 God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds; Livestock, insects and wild animals, according to their types. " That's it. 1:25 So God created beasts according to their kinds; Livestock, according to their types; All insects on the ground belong to their own species. God looks good. 1:26 God said, "We will make man in our image and in our likeness, and make them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the earth and all the creeping insects on the earth." 1:27 So God created man in his own image, but in his own image he created them male and female. 1:28 So God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and rule the land; You must also manage the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and all the creatures on the ground. " God said, "Look! I will give you all the vegetables with seeds on the ground and all the fruits with stones on the trees as food. 1:30 as for the animals on the ground, the birds in the air and all kinds of living things that crawl on the ground, I will give them grass for food. " That's it. God saw that everything he created was good. There was evening and there was morning. This was the sixth day. 2: 1 Everything in the world has been created. On the seventh day, the work created by God was finished. On the seventh day, he stopped all his work and rested. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day, God rested from all that he had made. On the day when the Lord God created heaven and earth, the origin of heaven and earth was as follows: 2:5 Because the Lord God did not rain on the earth, and no one cultivated the field, there was no grass in the field, and wild vegetables did not grow; But a mist rose from the earth, and moistened the whole earth. The Lord God made man from the dust of the ground, and breathed life into his nostrils. And he became a living soul, and his name was Adam.
Genesis Chapter 65438 +0 Experience of Reading Classics
Reflections on reading classics
1. What did God create first? What was created later? What do we see in the sequence?
2. What is the difference between God's creation of man and creation of everything?
3. What are the different missions of man and everything?
Thinking and analysis
The first chapter talks about God's creation. Everything God created is good, but it is said that it became very good after he created man. The difference between man and everything is that man has the image and style of God, and God endows him with honor and authority.
In the course of history, human beings coexist with all things in the world, and they will find that human beings are different from all things in the universe because they are enjoying, guarding and managing all things. When human beings are still confused and ask: Why are people different from everything? Other religions and natural sciences will not give you the correct and complete answer, only the Christian Bible will give you the correct answer "completely depends on the honor God has given to mankind." God bless mankind, and human dignity lies in the grace of the creator. There is no doubt about it. We know from the first and second chapters of Genesis.
It took God six days to create everything. On the first day, he created the sky, on the second day, he created the air, on the third day, he created vegetables on the ground, on the fourth day, he created festivals, on the fifth day, he created birds in the sky, and on the sixth day, after he created animals, he created people. God did not create man first, but laid out the layout step by step, prepared the living environment and everything he needed, and finally created man.
In addition, when God created everything, he used a good word to summarize everything, but after he created man, he used a "good" as a summary, as if he saw God enjoying a beautiful work of art, which shows that man is the peak of God. With people, everything is alive. With a bosom friend who enjoys art with God, God has an object to communicate with.
God makes animals eat grass, and people eat fruits and vegetables with stones. After enjoying everything God has created, people have the responsibility to protect and manage everything God has created, and to breed a large number of animals on the earth. Elegance and responsibility are closely linked. 20 18 100 1