"Wen Zi" on benevolence (2)

Laozi [Wen Zi] said: the eater is the foundation of the people; The people are the foundation of the country. Therefore, the old gentleman is due to the weather, location and people. Based on the growth of the group, everything is cultivated, the spring harvest is withered, the summer harvest is full, the autumn livestock eat vegetables and steam in winter, thinking that private capital is useless and there is no death. The law of the former king, don't hide the group, take a shovel, fish in an inexhaustible river, and hunt without burning the forest. Jackals can't go through the wild without sacrificing animals; Otters are not allowed to enter the water before sacrificing fish; Before the falcon strikes, the fish that slips through the net will not be Zhang; Axes are not allowed to enter the forest before the vegetation falls; You can't burn a fire until an insect is stung. Don't kill if you are pregnant, don't explore the eggs, don't eat the fish when it is not long, and the dog can only eat it next year. Therefore, if steam comes out, everything will happen. The reason why the late king prepared in time was because it was the way to enrich the country and benefit the people. If you want to benefit the people, Do not forget your initiative mind, the people will take care of themselves.

Lao Zi [Wen Zi] said: The ancients had wisdom. If you take down the discipline and support yourself properly, you must collect it according to your age, measure the accumulated amount of people and then take it. For example, this is because you suffer from heaven and earth and are free from hunger and cold. It is terrible for the people. The hungry people in the state, the food is not heavy, the people are not cold, the winter is not spoiled, and they share joys and sorrows with the people, that is, there is no worry for the people in the world. The dark Lord, on the other hand, takes people with him and doesn't reduce their strength. You can't get what you want, but you can't get what you want. Men and women can't farm and weave, so they can supply and work hard to make money. Moreover, people make a living, and one person plows a foot of thunder, which is not good for ten acres. Nakata's harvest is only four stones, which his wife, the old and the weak, feed on. Sometimes there is a disaster, and there is no supply, which makes people feel sorry. Greedy for hegemony, exhausting its fish to satisfy infinite desires, then people do not respect heaven and earth.

Laozi [Wen Zi] said: The qi of heaven and earth is greater than harmony. Harmony, yin and yang, day and night, so everything is born at the vernal equinox and made at the autumnal equinox. Life and success must be the essence of harmony. Therefore, yin accumulation is not born, yang accumulation is not changed, and yin and yang handover can be harmonious. It is the way of saints, broad and chestnut, strict and warm, soft and straight, fierce and benevolent. If the husband is too rigid, he will fold, if the husband is too soft, he will roll, and the road is between rigidity and softness. It's a pity that the husband's rope can be measured, rolled, put straight, long but not horizontal, short but not poor, straight but not stiff, so it is sacred to the human body. Being forced by her husband is cowardice, cowardice is not a threat; Strict push is fierce, and fierceness is not harmonious; Love pushes vertically, but does not do it vertically; Punishment means disaster, and disaster means no relatives, which is also expensive.

Laozi [Wen Zi] said: The state exists because it has a way; Therefore, the dead, the reason is also blocked, so the saints see it to see its characteristics. Virtue rises and falls, and the wind sprouts first. Therefore, those who live the Tao, though small, will be great; The dead will fail. The destruction of the country is also a big problem; The trip to the Tao is also small but not light. Therefore, the way to exist is not small; Die in the wrong way, not in the big one. Therefore, the Lord of the chaotic country serves the vast territory and is not benevolent; Being in a high position is not moral; Is to give up its existence, build it and die. If you confuse the three lights and lose everyone's heart, no one can bear it, so those who judge themselves are not prepared for others. In ancient times, being a monarch was called virtue when it was deep, benevolence and righteousness when it was shallow, and propriety and wisdom when it was thin. These six aspects are also the outline and dimensions of the country. If you go deeper, you will be blessed; If you go shallow, you will be blessed; If you go deep, you will be blessed. The ancients Xiu De, that is, to cultivate righteousness, that is, to cultivate a country, to cultivate propriety and wisdom, that is, to cultivate a country. Virtue is great, and virtue is small. Therefore, the old road does not stand on human strength, does not win by strength, and does not win by greed. Instead of being complacent in the world, it is better to push yourself and others in the world, not to ask for it from yourself in the world. Therefore, women get immediate results, the weak win, the just win, and there is no dispute. Therefore, Tao is on earth, just like rivers and seas. Heaven says, "The doer loses, and the doer loses." Husband wants to be famous and strive for it. I think it was a last resort. Although I got it, I didn't stay. The husband's name can't be chased, and he is in the world with him. Those who are with him return to it, and those who belong to the world are also virtuous. Therefore, as the saying goes, those who go to Germany will return to the world; Benevolent, return to the sea; The righteous will be returned by a country; Those who pay homage will return to their hometown. Without these four things, the people will not return. If you don't go back to fight, you will be in danger. Therefore, as the saying goes, "soldiers are ominous tools and have to be used." It is better to kill than to be beautiful ",so we say," Death brings thorns, weeping and mourning. Therefore, a gentleman is virtuous and does not need soldiers.

Wen Zi [Wang Ping] asked why benevolence and propriety are thinner than morality. Laozi [Wen Zi] said: If you are kind, you will talk about it with sorrow and joy; The righteous will take it and make it clear. Within the four seas, there are endless joys and sorrows, which is not enough to raise the treasure of the treasury. Renyi attached. "So, a gentleman is thick but not thin." Husband ceremony, real text also; Benevolent people, the effect of kindness is also. Therefore, the ceremony is made by human feelings. In fact, benevolence does not overflow, mourning for love, and death is called benevolence. Husband health care is not strong enough for people, and people can't do it. With proper measurement, there is no reason to live without fame. Therefore, having fun is enough to make love, and there is no harmony. Life and death are clear, and it is appropriate to be extravagant and frugal. In the last days, words are contrary to deeds, feelings are contrary to appearances, courtesy is annoying, pleasure is annoying, vulgarity is addicted to the world, and people are not praised for the DPRK, so people are useless. Walking with horses means that people are invincible; If you put it in the car, you can't hit people. Therefore, those who make good use of Tao make use of people's capital to make contributions in order to support their abilities. When the Lord responds, the people report it with financial reports, the Lord reports it with courtesy, and the people report it with death. Therefore, there is no dangerous valley and no worries. Those who excel in virtue are respected, and those who excel in virtue are fierce. People with low morality, little benevolence and righteousness, and people who don't pay attention to morality steal positions; People who don't uphold justice steal money. The sage is poor and enjoys the Tao. He doesn't want to hurt his life or his body, so he takes it for nothing without violating his righteousness. The ancients had no virtue and disrespect, were incompetent, did not reward reactive power, were innocent and did not punish, entered people with courtesy, and returned people with righteousness; In the villain's world, when you enter the world, you will retreat when you enter heaven. People who talked about the past are also sick today. Xiangma is thin, the scholar is poor, the dolphin fat is full of kitchen, and the bones are not official. A gentleman is honest, but he has no faith. Not remonstrating, not being a loyal minister; Don't listen, don't know. It is immoral for people to indulge without worrying. Therefore, the festival is dead, and the position of a minister is also; Clothes are cold and food is hungry, and the kindness of a loving father is also. This is called turning people into great things, and this is called committing a big crime with a small crime. Although the former reaches heaven, the latter will go deep. In my hometown, I have teeth, and I am old and poor; The imperial court used the title of knighthood, which was divided into grades. People who worship you are close to you; Those who respect the elderly are their closest relatives; Respect your elders and call them brothers. Those who are born expensive are arrogant, and those who are born rich are extravagant. Therefore, wealth is not judged by Ming Dow, but those who can do nothing wrong are widows. Never tire of learning, so I am a doctor; Never tire of teaching, and govern the people. Smart teachers have few good friends. Knowing virtue means wisdom, loving kindness means benevolence, respecting virtue means righteousness, respecting virtue means courtesy, and being happy means being happy. In the past, goodness was for the world, doing nothing and doing nothing, so it was tolerant and tolerant of the world; Doing nothing but doing meritorious service is not enough, and the action will be fierce. For people with tolerance in the world, "if you are afraid of your neighbors in winter, if you are tolerant, if you are indifferent, if you are simple, if you are muddy, if you are wide, if you are valley." "This is the world. If Yu Dong Xi gets involved in Dachuan, he dare not do it; If you are still afraid of your neighbors, you are afraid of four injuries; If you are tolerant, you are modest and you respect; People who are indifferent to ice dare not hide it; Simple words, dare not be mean; If you are confused, you dare not be in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Those who are broad-minded dare not prosper. Dare not enter the walker, dare not retreat first; Fear of being hurt, remain weak and dare not pity; Humble and respectful, self-abased and respectful of others; Those who dare not hoard are self-destructive and dare not be firm. Those who dare not be cheap dare not be complete; Those who dare not be clear are ashamed and dare not be fresh; Those who dare not prosper will see their shortcomings and dare not be virtuous. To be a husband, you can retire first, be cowardly, be proud, feel inferior, be superior, be solid, be full, be fresh, be virtuous and do nothing.