Question 2: What does suffering mean in the Bible? Refers to the hatred and complaint from the heart.
From sin, we need to overcome it by praying and imitating the Lord Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Question 3: The meaning of bitterness in Christianity "bitterness" means pain, resentment, jealousy and indignation in the heart, and similar emotions are intertwined. This kind of negative emotion will destroy the relationship between people like "poison", and it will also destroy the physical and mental health of the parties. Therefore, "bitterness" is a very bad mood or feeling.
Question 4: What diseases can bitter medicine cure? We should not use it indiscriminately, but prescribe the right medicine.
Question 5: You can't let go of the bitterness of the angry people. There are so many scriptures in Christianity that support you to forgive:
Matthew (New Testament Volume 1)
6: 14
If you forgive others' mistakes, your heavenly father will forgive you.
Matthew (New Testament Volume 1)
6: 15
If you don't forgive others' mistakes, your heavenly father won't forgive you.
Matthew (New Testament Volume 1)
18:2 1
At that time, Peter came to Jesus and said, "Lord, my brother has sinned against me. How many times should I forgive him?" Is it okay to go seven times? "
Matthew (New Testament Volume 1)
If each of you does not forgive your brother from your heart, so will my heavenly father do to you. "
The gospel of Kyle.
1 1:25
When you stand and pray, if you think of anyone who has sinned against you, forgive him, so that your father in heaven may also forgive your transgressions.
The gospel of Kyle.
1 1:26
If you don't forgive others, your heavenly father won't forgive your transgressions. "
twenty three past seven
If you don't judge others, you will not be judged; If you don't condemn others, you won't be condemned; If you want to forgive others, you will be forgiven.
Be careful! "If your brother sins against you, you should admonish him; If he regrets it, forgive him.
If he sins against you seven times a day and turns around seven times and says,' I repent,' you must always forgive him. "
2 Corinthians
12: 13
Besides I am not tired of you, what are you worse than other churches? Please forgive my injustice.
1 1
Ephesians (a volume in the New Testament of Christianity)
Twenty-eight minutes to five.
And be kind to each other, have compassion and forgive each other, just as God forgave you in Christ.
Colossians (one of the New Testaments of the Bible)
3: 13
If a person bears a grudge against another person, always tolerate and forgive each other; The Lord forgave you, and you have to forgive others.
Question 6: The priest talks about how Christians can get out of bitterness and become the only true god to rely on. Why do they suffer so much? If you don't entrust the burden to God and pray for his guidance and help, how can you be yourself? Don't rely on our limited ability to solve all the problems, which is not pleasing to God. Jesus said to me, how loving it is for all who work hard and bear heavy burdens to come to me. Only when we learn to let go of the burden can Jesus Christ help us carry it. God bless you.
Question 7: From the Bible, where can we know how to solve the problem of hating people or God? Section12:14-16 "You should pursue harmony with others and holiness. Without these two things, no one can see the Lord. Be careful that no one loses the grace of God, or poisonous roots will come out and disturb you, so that everyone will be defiled. I'm afraid there are people who love the world like Esau. Because of a mistake, he betrayed his birthright. "
Ephesians 4: 3 1-32 "All bitterness, indignation, anger, uproar, slander and all malice should be removed from you. And be kind to each other, have compassion and forgive each other, just as God forgave you in Christ. "
Read more Bible, think more about God, and seek God's help through prayer.
Question 8: Help me explain what it means to fall into three evils and six ways because of various desires. Well, the landlord explained it briefly. In fact, the content of this sentence is quite extensive. In fact, it is the problem of karma. Because of all kinds of desires, it caused a causal relationship, fell into three levels of hell, became an evil ghost, became an animal, and went on and on, suffering.
It means to persuade people to be good and not to commit crimes, otherwise they will never turn over.
However, the grammar of this sentence is not like ancient Chinese. Where did the landlord pick it?
Question 9: The angel who "made the earth and the sea bitter" in Revelation 8: 1 1 by Melilin, the seven kings of hell: "The third angel sounded the trumpet, and there was a big burning star, which fell from the sky like a torch and landed on a third of the rivers and springs of water. The name of this star is wormwood, and one third of the water becomes wormwood; Many people died because the water became bitter. " In the study of Revelation, the author explained:' Artemisia capillaris is a bitter plant, and its juice is poisonous. The third big star named Yinchen, like the first one, fell from the sky. Chapter 38: 7 of the Book of Job called angels stars. This angel named Yinchen is a bitter angel. In Luke 10 18, Jesus talks about Satan falling from the sky. In Revelation 12, verse 7-9 points out that Michael threw Satan from the sky. We can believe that this third wormwood star is Satan falling from the sky. "Later, he was described as one of fallen angels. The apostle Paul called him "the king of the air force", an angel who practiced suffering. In his explanation, he explained that this demon is in charge of the root of people's corruption and can destroy a person's love and faith. If people are tempted by it, they will only fall into endless decadence.
Question 10: What exactly does "gospel" mean? The gospel means good news. The Lord Jesus came into the world and took away our sins on the cross. This is the true gospel.
2: 10 The angel said to them, "Don't be afraid! I give you good news, which concerns everyone.
2: 1 1 because today in the city of David, a savior was born for you, that is, the Lord Christ.