Ask medicine Penglai Hui Taiyin-Taiyin is the name of the moon, and the sun and the moon make up "Ming"
Jing Ke holds a sword without a tip-he holds a hand, Ke Youmu, and there is no tip on the tip, which melts into the word "explore"
The man who uncovers the pole and seeks the head to push the grass-seeking the head and the source. "People" and "people" are connected.
2, the thief's heart is filled with several prostitutes-Ji prostitute and (Ji Chang) homophonic (text)
On that day every month, I will look for a gun indiscriminately-Ming. Look for, explore. (Ming, exploring)
The meaning (source) of continuous sewage and drinking
Daheng kneels to send cordate telosma-Daheng is classified as (human).