Essays, essays, poems and jokes about public bicycles (the more the better).

Milk and bicycles:

Farmer John went to the hardware store to buy things. The shopkeeper wanted to sell him a bike,

He said, "Look, the bicycles here are all beautiful. I can choose the best to sell to you.

You, you can ride it to see your crops every day "

"Oh, no!" The farmer said, "I don't need a bike." I think it's best to be in my

Add another cow to the cowshed. "

"As you say," said the boss, "you have to ride a cow into town. Zheduo

How stupid! "

"Well, I don't understand," shouted the farmer. "Riding a cow into the city is the same as riding it yourself.

Which is more stupid than milking a car? "

Wear a swimming cap when riding a bike;

One weekend in August, we just finished a project, and my colleagues suggested going out to play and relax. Everyone thinks of swimming. However, some girls suggested that there were no swimsuits, so everyone went to the supermarket to buy swimsuits first.

After buying swimsuits, swimming caps, swimming rings and other necessities, several of us sang songs and walked to the swimming pool near the unit. When approaching the door, Xiaomei, who claimed to have excellent eyesight, saw a dark blue thing fall from the bicycle in front of her, so she quickly shouted, "Hey! Riding in front, your swimming cap has dropped! "

The cyclist stopped quickly, turned around and picked up something and said, "Thank you for reminding me! But you look good, this is a bicycle seat cover ... "

Bicycle; Bicycle exercise

In the bike shop. "Sir, why don't I buy this bicycle with headlights? It is clearly written on the advertisement! " "Nonsense, there is a lady in the advertisement!"

Bicycle thief

One person always loses his car.

When I put my new bike downstairs, I locked it three times and put a note in it for you to steal!

The next day, the car was not lost, but two more locks and a note: let you ride!

racing car

A man bought a new bicycle racing car and was very happy. He rode along the highway for a while. When he was tired, he found that he was far from home.

So I stopped a car on the side of the road and finally stopped a car. At first glance, it belongs to one of his friends, but because it is a sports car, the bike can't fit. So his friend told him that I would tie your bike to the back of my car with a heel rope. You ride in the back, and I'll take my time. If you feel fast, just honk, and I'll slow down!

There was nothing I could do, so I started on the road and started driving slowly. Suddenly, an old sports car passed me. His friend saw that only your broken car overtook me, so he stepped on the gas pedal and jumped up.

On the highway, a policeman received a phone call from a policeman in front. "There are two sports cars racing, speeding, I can't stop. Please pay attention to stop them ... ","Oh, my God, there is a bike behind. Honk your horn if you want to overtake!