Follow the lyrics of my life.

Follow for life

Sing Wild Lily

The Return of the Album Heart

Oh, my God, I thank and praise you.

My heart also blesses your holy name.

Because you have great compassion.

Because you have great grace and rich love.

Oh, my God, I thank you for praising you.

My heart also blesses your holy name.

Because you have great power.

Because you are strong and blessed.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I will depend on you closely.

I want to surrender in your arms.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I want to follow you closely

I will follow you all my life.

Oh, my God, I thank and praise you.

My heart also blesses your holy name.

Because you have great compassion.

Because you have great grace and rich love.

Oh, my God, I thank you for praising you.

My heart also blesses your holy name.

Because you have great power.

Because you are strong and blessed.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I will depend on you closely.

I want to surrender in your arms.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I want to follow you closely

I will follow you all my life.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I will depend on you closely.

I want to surrender in your arms.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I want to follow you closely

I will follow you all my life.

Oh, Lord, my God.

I will depend on you closely.

I will follow you all my life.