What is the explanation of craftofpoetry?

craftofpoetry means: poetic skill.

craftofpoetry means: poetic skill. The example of craftofpoetry is Robert bly: yes, I taught "the craft of poetry" for Galway's Sprogramoneyear. robert bly: Yes, I taught Galway's project "The Art of Poetry" for one year. Fanny:Nowhe'sgone,Ishallfinditeasiertotalk.Canyousaysomethingofthecraftofpoetry? Fanny: He's gone. I think it's more convenient to talk. Can you talk about the skills of writing poems? Tospeakofshepherdsandshepherding in the pastoral poetry seems to be a fixed strategy or way to describe poets and their accomplishments.

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poetry skills

...courseoffering course setting craftofpoetry skills creditsb. withsth。 Put. . . Thanks to ...

2. Example

Robert bly: Yes, I taught "the craft of poetry" for Galway's poetry year.

robert bly: Yes, I taught Galway's project "The Art of Poetry" for one year.


fanny: now that he's gone, I think it's more convenient to talk. Can you talk about the skills of writing poems?

tospeakofshepherdsand shepherdinginapastoralpoemsemsalmostin variablyblytobeastrategyorawaytospeakofpoetsandtheircraftofoetry.

Describing shepherds in pastoral poetry seems to be a fixed strategy or way to describe poets and their accomplishments.

related neighboring words of craftofpoetry

craft, craftage

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