Personal works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

·"The Lover's Mood" (love drama), created in 1768, copied in 1806 "The Accomplice" (comedy), started in 1769, copied in 1787 "The Iron-Hand Knight Gerz von Bellichingen" (play), 1773 "Prometheus" (poetry), 1774 "The New Moral-Political Puppetry", 1774 "The Maslenitsa Play of the Elder Bray", 1774 "The Annual Market in Rendelstown", "Gods, Heroes and Wieland" (1774) (comedy), "Clavigo" (tragedy) 1774, "Greetings from the Gods" (poetry), 1774, 1774 "The Sorrows of Young Werther" (epistolary novel), 1774, 2nd edition, 1787 "Egmont" (tragedy), started writing in 1775, 1788 copied "Owen and Ermmel" (with music) Singing drama), 1775 "The Dramatic Mission of Wilhelm Meister" ("Original Maister", novel), "Goethe's Collected Works" "Goethe's Collected Works" began in 1776, and copied "Stella" in 1911 for Drama written by lovers, 1776 Iphigenia of Tauris (drama), prose version 1779, copy 1787 Torquato Tasso (drama), begun 1780, 1790 Copy of "On the Intermaxillary Bones of Man and Animals", 1786 "Roman Elegy", 1788-1790 "Venetian Epigram", 1790 "Faust", fragment, 1790 "Optical Treatise" (essay, 2 volumes), 1791/1792 "The Great Kofta" (comedy), 1792 "Plebeian General" (comedy), 1793 "Lena Fox" (animal narrative poem), 1794 "In All the Beautiful Moments" "(Hymn of the Chancellery Chapter of the Communist Party of China), 1775 "Collection of Stories Told by German Escapees" (framed novel), 1795 "The Study Years of Wilhelm Meister", 1795/1796 "Kese "Faust a Tragedy" (conforming to the first part of "Faust"), beginning in 1797, first published in 1808 The first copies under this title were "The Life of Benvenuto Cellini" (article), the 1797 "Novelette", beginning with the 1797 "Hermann and Douluo" (a hexameter poem) "The Illegitimate Daughter" (tragedy), 1798, "The Wandering Years of Wilhelm Meister" (novel), 1804, started in 1807, copied in 1821, updated version of the original "Pandora" in 1829 (a play written for a festival), written 1807/1808, copy of Affinities 1817, original text On Colorology (scientific treatise) 1809, Poetry and Truth of My Life (autobiographical work, 1810) 4 volumes), 1811-1833 "There is much to be said about the singer" (a Franciscan poem written to thank the singer), 1815 "When repaying the dearest" (to keep the secret Franciscan Poetry), Travels in Italy, 1816, The Good Woman, 1816/1817, On Art and Antiquity, 1817 (6 volumes, with Johann Heinrich Meyer) Cooperation), 1816-1832 "The Solemn Festival of the Order: "Fifty years have passed"" (a verse of thanks for the award of the 50th Anniversary Diploma of Participation in the Franciscan Order), 1820 "Western and Eastern Poetry" (Poetry), 1819 "Preface to the Eulogy" for the late President of the Franciscan Ridel branch, 1821 "Political Movements in France" (Report), 1822 "Speech: For Villante" (Wieland) "Brotherly Memorial" (Francis eulogy), February 8, 1830 Goethe's eulogy "Faust II" (the second part of "Faust"), 1833 (posthumous work) "Proverbs and Meditations", 1833 (posthumous)