What does authority day mean?

Power Day is about Jesus cleaning up the temple.

According to section 1 1 of the gospel of Kyle, the Lord Jesus did two things on this day: cleaning the temple and cursing the fig tree. The chief priests, scribes and elders asked Jesus, "By what authority do you do these things?" (Kyle Gospel 1 1: 27-28) The Lord Jesus shows his authority on this day, so this day is called Authority Day. When _ chose the twelve apostles, authority was given to them, just as Matthew. 10: 1) said, "Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them authority to drive out demons and cure various diseases." _ The blind saw, the lame walked, the lepers were cleansed, the dead were resurrected, and other miracles also showed the authority of _. _ After his resurrection, he declared, "All the powers in heaven and earth have been given to me."

For example, the work of cleaning temples on "Power Day" is because the places where people should worship God are occupied by all vendors, and the places where people should be full of prayers are replaced by the sounds of changing coins and cows and pigeons. How can this make the temple of Jesus as a son anxious? How can you not get up and do cleaning? Jesus said to them, It is written that my house will be called the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. (Matt. The temple belongs to God the Father and Jesus, the son of God. When his father's temple is defiled, occupied and the use function is replaced, can he be indifferent as a son? Can you turn a blind eye? Can you not be angry and not fear God? The main anger is for the father, the main anger is for the father's family, and it is to love the father and love the family!