What other hymns did John Newton John Newton write?

Amazing grace, how sweet, my sins have been forgiven;

I was lost before, but now I have found it. I am blind now.

Such grace awed me and comforted my heart;

How precious it is to be blessed when you first write!

I have survived many dangers, tests and traps;

Thanks to the Lord, I was not afraid of safety and led me home.

In the coming jubilee, saints will get together and love each other for thousands of years;

Joy and praise, in front of the father's seat, I hope that day will come soon. "

Amazing grace! What a sweet voice! Saved a poor man like me! I used to be lost, but now I have found it. I used to be blind, but now I can see. It was grace that taught me to be afraid, and it was grace that lifted my fear; How precious that grace was when I first believed it! Through many dangers, traps and traps, I have come; So far, this grace has brought me security, and it will lead me home. The Lord has promised me good, and I will hope in his word. He will be my shield and a copy, as long as life exists. Yes, when this body and heart will fail, mortal life will stop; I will have a happy and peaceful life in Palne. The earth will soon melt like snow, and the sun will no longer shine; But God, the one who calls me below, will always belong to me.