Eighty-two poems (seventy-nine of them) Ruan Ji There is a strange bird in the forest, which says it is a phoenix. In the Qing Dynasty, people drank from Liquan and lived on hills at night. The high-pitched sound spreads across all nine states, and I stretch my neck to look at the eight wastelands. When the business wind rises, the wings will be destroyed and hidden. Once I go to the west of Kunlun, when will I return to flying? But the hatred is out of place, and the melancholy makes the heart sad.
There is a strange bird in the woods. It claims to be a phoenix bird. The phoenix drinks the sweet spring water in the early morning. At dusk, the phoenix bird perches on a high hill and sings loudly throughout Kyushu. It stretches its head and neck to look at the remote place of Bahuang. When the autumn wind blows, it destroys its wings and hides them. Once the Phoenix bird leaves the forest and flies to the west of Kunlun Mountain, when will it fly back again? It’s a pity that the phoenix bird is in an inappropriate position, which makes me very sad inside.
Zeng Guofan explained: Phoenix, this is Duke Ruan’s personal situation. Shen Deqian said: The phoenix originally symbolized the prosperity of the country, but now it has nowhere to spread its wings in the eight wastelands of Kyushu. Far to the west of Kunlun, it has found the way to clean the body. It is in a different place than in its place. So I feel sad and sad. Both of them can understand each other. But there are other explanations. This poem is probably a tribute to Ji Kang or a memorial to his imprisonment. First of all, "There is a strange bird in the forest, saying that it is a phoenix. In the Qing Dynasty, it drank from the wine spring and roosted on the hills at night. It sang loudly throughout the nine states, and stretched its neck to look at the eight wastelands." This is very different from the starting tone of Ruan Ji's other poems about nostalgia. The so-called "feelings of sadness arise from events" and "the teacher's mind is used to explain". The reason for this poem should not be as simple as self-injury and Kunai's way of purifying one's body. Moreover, Ruan Ji most often used the word "Gu Hong" in his poems about his feelings. "Gu Yan" refers to himself, "Peaches and plums are still afraid of being in trouble, and they don't know how to talk about themselves as Phoenix." Secondly, Si Zong wrote poems in tone. "There is a strange bird in the forest, and it calls itself a phoenix." It seems that he loves his talent, but also a bit of a joke, and more helpless. Except for Ruan Ji, no one could be regarded as the metaphor of the phoenix at that time. "In the Qing Dynasty, I drank from Liquan, and lived on the hills at night. My high-pitched voice spread across the nine continents, and I stretched my neck to look at the eight wastelands." The words written in just twenty characters are exactly Ji Kang, who was "fierce in nature and talented" and "high-minded and ambitious". Ruan Ji died in the winter of 263 AD (the fourth year of Jingyuan), the same year that Ji Kang was sentenced. Ji Kang's imprisonment should have greatly touched Si Zong. At that time, Ruan Ji wrote a form of persuasion for Sima Yan to join him. He hoped that Ji Kang could understand his drunkenness.
Poetry Appreciation
The four lines in the poem "Drinking wine springs in the Qing Dynasty, living in the mountains at night. The sound is soaring across all nine states, and I stretch my neck to look at the eight wastelands" embodies the nobility (or "detachment and refinement") of "Phoenix" , "high and proud") character. This poem as a whole uses the expression technique of expressing ambitions (or "bixing" or "symbol"), using the phoenix as a metaphor for itself, expressing the poet's lonely and helpless depressed mood and the difficulty of achieving his ambition (or "no way to serve the country"). ) sadness. According to Phoenix's actions of "drinking from Liquan", "living on mountains and hills", "traveling through Kyushu", and "looking at the eight wastelands", we can judge that Phoenix has great ambitions and is noble. Obviously, the author compares himself with a phoenix (self-statement), based on its mood of "urge to hide", "hatred", "heartbroken" and the description of the reason for the sadness, "It sings loudly across all nine states, stretching its neck to look at the eight wastelands" and "One day." "Going to the west of Kunlun, when will I return to flying? But the hatred is out of place, and the melancholy makes my heart sad." It can be inferred that the author is lonely and depressed, and his ambition is unfulfilled.
Attachment: The image of flying birds and Ruan Ji’s multiple personalities