Mr. Dongpo said: "The similarity of paintings shows that they are adjacent to children. Poetry must be this poem, and you must know that you are not a poet. " The feast said, "This sentence is a precious painting and rhyme. However, his words are biased and not the best. " Chao used the cloud of Tao and Harmony: "When drawing and writing the shape of things, the shape of things is unchangeable; Poetry conveys the meaning of painting, and you have the realm of painting. " Its theory is final. Zhuo Wuzi said: I can't draw if I change my shape, and I am proud of it! Because of reconciliation, he said: "painting is not just about writing form, but about form and god;" Poetry is not painting, but painting. " Du Zimei said: "Flowers are far away from trees, but clouds are everywhere." The paintings in this poem can also be used as a picture album. People in the Tang Dynasty painted the Peach Blossom Garden, and Shu Yuanxing wrote the title: "Tobacco woody. I'm familiar with it and I play it very seriously. I feel my bones are sapphire, I am in the mirror. " The poems in this painting are also fascinating. When Wu Daozi first saw Zhang Sengyou's painting, he said, "The waves are heard." I've been sitting under it and can't walk for three days. At first, Yu Yi refused to accept leisure and had a theory of domestic chickens and wild birds. Later, he thought Boying was born again. However, those people who are called love at first sight are by no means good or looking for someone. The situation may not be Wu Zhi and Yu, but how can it be easily recognized? Hey! Thousands of people are not easy to know, so it has always been like this.