Taiwan Province, phase and affiliation. When the wind is clear and the sun is beautiful, the mountains are as beautiful as eyebrows. First, I went to the south of Taiwan Province to climb the dragon and climb the stone. There are tens of thousands of rocks under the ground, and the peaks stand tall, and there is no pier under it, hanging in the middle. It is said that it is Manjusri Lighting Photography Institute. Four miles down from Taipei, there are hundreds of feet of ice hanging on the cliff, which is called "eternal ice", and there are houses built on the dock. There is little early cold between Taiwan Province, and there are many kinds of snow and ice.
2, "Taiping Yu Lan Shi Lan Supplement 4"
Passing the Palace Pavilion Lake Temple, which used to be Ling Wei, business travelers prayed for blessings, but the wind was divided up and down, and there was no stagnation. Those who try bamboo to beg for god shall not take it. If the original boat is destroyed, bamboo will compensate for it. Boat people are naturally afraid and have to take pictures. On a business trip, more than 30 ships prayed to heaven for blessings, but I blessed them: "There are shamans on board, and maple trees can be called." Guest salty consternation, please high into the temple.
3. "Stepping on the sand, childhood memories"
Once a child, now he is the boss.
Hanging on the photo wall every year.
It seems that who I am for is quite different.
There is so much oil, like a moment.
So I gave up everything.
Open the door for fresh air, and people will bow their heads and be scolded.