The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. After Qu Yuan jumped into the river, fishermen went to salvage Qu Yuan's real body. Some people threw zongzi into the river. In order to satisfy the fish, shrimp and dragon, they don't want to eat Qu Yuan.
The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a festival commemorated by people in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. After Qu Yuan jumped into the river, some fishermen went to salvage Qu Yuan's real body, and some people threw zongzi into the river. In order to satisfy the fish, shrimp and dragon, they don't eat Qu Yuan.
So on this day, people will make dumplings to eat. The method of zongzi
It's very simple: first, put the material on glutinous rice and make it.
Make glutinous rice into a three-dimensional triangle and then use it.
Artemisia argyi, steam for a while, and the zongzi will be ready.
So on this day, people will eat jiaozi. The method of making zongzi is very simple: first, put the materials on glutinous rice, make the glutinous rice into a three-dimensional triangle, then wrap it with mugwort leaves and steam it for a while, and the zongzi will be ready.
Family members have to make zongzi, and my family is no exception. I put all
All kinds of things on glutinous rice, glutinous rice made by my mother.
Into a three-dimensional triangle, my father wrapped it in wormwood.
Leaves, finally boiled in a pot. Zongzi is ready, smell it, and it smells good.
Eat, sweet but not greasy.
Every family has to make zongzi, and my family is no exception. I put all kinds of things on glutinous rice, my mother made glutinous rice into a three-dimensional triangle, my father wrapped it in mugwort leaves and finally cooked it in a pot. Zongzi is ready. Smell it. It smells fragrant. Take a bite. It is sweet but not greasy.
On this day, people will also compete.
Dragon boat is a dragon-shaped boat. But I just saw it on TV. I
I have never seen such a fierce scene with my own eyes. Next time I have
I'll go and see for myself when I have the chance.
On this day, people will also race the dragon boat, which is a dragon-shaped boat. But I only watched it on TV. I have never seen such an intense scene with my own eyes. Be sure to see it with your own eyes next time you have a chance.
Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting traditional festival!
Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting traditional festival!