The Qingming Mourning Poem Pan Yue lingered in winter and spring in Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the cold and heat suddenly changed. The son of a childe belongs to a poor spring, and the heavy soil is separated forever. Who wants to obey privately, it is not enough to stay for a long time. I am ready to serve my life and return to my original service.
Spring goes to winter, cold goes to summer, and time flies. It's been a whole year since you left me, and layers of soil have separated us forever. I miss you. Who can I tell? What's the use of staying at home after you leave? I can only reluctantly obey the orders of the imperial court, change my mind and return to my original post.
"Tomb-Sweeping Day" Yucheng, Wang Song, lived in Tomb-Sweeping Day without flowers and wine, and the taste was as bleak as a wild monk. Yesterday, I discussed new kindling from my neighbor's house, and early in Tomb-Sweeping Day, I lit in front of the window and sat down to study.
I live in Tomb-Sweeping Day, with no flowers to see and no wine to drink. Without you, my lonely and painful life, like a monk in a barren mountain and wild temple, seems to me very depressed and lonely. Yesterday, I got a new fire from my neighbor. Early in the morning in Tomb-Sweeping Day, I lit a lamp at the window and sat down to study.
The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival Song Mei Yao Chen was married in seventeen years. It's not enough to just look at each other, let alone donate for a long time. How white my sideburns are, I would rather be safe for a long time. The same hole not far from you is not dead or in tears.
We've been married for seventeen years now, and it's not enough to be together, let alone lose you forever now. I saw white hair on my temples. How long can this body last? I don't think it's far from being in a cave with you. Now I still have a breath, and my tears flow every day.