China 14 the jingles of neighboring countries.

Miss Yue (Vietnam, Russia, Afghanistan) is very shy (Myanmar).

Covered with cloth sheets and blankets (Mongolia, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan),

Go through the mud to North Korea (India, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan).

The border of China refers to the border of China. Historically, most of China and its neighboring countries have no borders. Emperors in ancient China respected the traditional concept of "the best in the world", and there was no boundary problem between China and neighboring countries in the modern sense.

With the introduction of the concept of sovereignty in western countries and the invasion of western colonists, the problem of sovereignty boundary became increasingly prominent, and the king of Qing Dynasty began to realize that he wanted to protect the border and defend the country. Under the aggression of western colonialists, China was forced to sign an unequal treaty and cede a large territory.