So he said that his wife said:
The world is mysterious and the universe is vast. The writer is full of wine and food, and the soldier is drunk on the battlefield. After three drinks, the man draws his sword, and the white rainbow penetrates the sun; Two lights into the intestine, the poet's wonderful pen gives birth to flowers, purple electric cream. Liu Ling is dissolute and Ruan Ji is rampant. Tao Yuanming is rich and would rather not bend his back; Wang Xizhi's poems and songs are all written in Lanting. Guan Yunchang halved Hua Xiong, and the wine was still warm. Going to the meeting alone will surprise the elders in Jiangdong. Zhou Gongjin's new green ant, charming and moving, with its feathers fanned with a black silk scarf, was driven by the fire. Li Taibai has a hundred pieces of wine, and the drinker is a thousand years old; Du Zimei was poor and eventually became a poet. Su Zizhan was full of wine and bravery, singing "The River of No Return". Xin Jiaxuan is drunk watching the sword, and there is no hero to be found. Don't be afraid of Lian Po's old age. Wu Zhuangshi drunk Jingyanggang and directly took the blade life; Ruti ruled the Drunk Champion Bridge and killed Zheng Tu with three punches. At the celebration banquet in Zhou Enlai, I drank 18 cups of Maotai; Zhao Shuli drank the thirty-six hutongs at the foot of the emperor. Liu Bingyi sings and drinks first, while Lv Siqing plays the piano and raises glasses frequently. ........
My lips are dry and sticky. Suddenly I didn't see my wife, and I came to an abrupt end. I searched the house and found my wife sleeping with her head covered, but I didn't hear Yu's lobbying.