2. In the 19th year of Yongle (142 1), Yu Qian was a scholar. In the first year of Xuande (1426), he was awarded by Xuanzong for severely criticizing Zhu. After the governors of Henan and Shanxi. Xuande five years (1430), right assistant minister, governor of Shanxi, Henan. When Ming Yingzong went to Beijing, he didn't give a gift to the powerful minister Wang Zhen. He was framed and imprisoned, and Wang Li was reinstated at the invitation of the people, officials and even lords of the two provinces. After the change of civil engineering, Yingzong was defeated and captured. He strongly rejected the idea of moving south, insisted on it, and was promoted to the post of Minister of War. Ming Daizong acceded to the throne, arranged for soldiers, deployed key points, personally bid, led 220,000 troops, and lined up outside Beijing's Nine Gates to resist the Walla Army. Shizuwala also forced peace with Yingzong first. He took "the country is important, the monarch is light" as a precept. First, there was no room to take advantage of, and Yingzong was forced to be released. After the peace talks, Yu Qian was still actively preparing for the war, selecting elite Beijing troops to practice in ten regiments and battalions, and sending troops out to guard the border, making the border peaceful. At that time, North Korea's affairs were complicated, so it was appropriate for Qian to recruit soldiers alone. Its orders are heard in public, so the government can. He cares about the country and the people, and gets carried away, but he doesn't say what he does. He has always been frugal, and his residence can only provide shelter from the wind and rain. However, because of his straightforward personality, it attracted everyone's jealousy.
3. In the first year of Tianshun (1457), with the restoration of Yingzong, the general Shi Heng was framed as the son of Xiang Wang Qian Mouli, which led to his wrongful death. In Ming Xianzong, Yu Qian was sacrificed by the reinstated officials. In the second year of Hongzhi (1489), he pursued "Su Su". , change to "loyalty". Yu Ji has been handed down from generation to generation. "Ming History" praised him for "loyalty and justice, winning glory with the sun and the moon". He and Yue Fei are also known as "the Three Masters of the West Lake".
4. Main works: Lyrics of Lime and Poems for Sacrifice to the Temple.