How to write the dialogue between two people in the poem Wang Lun sent Li Bai?
There are ten miles of peach blossoms here, Wang Lun replied, and wrote to Li Bai. "Li Bai laughed. I had a farewell dinner at home, and there were not 10 thousand hotels in Tianbao. Mr. Wang was so happy that Li Bai boarded a boat parked on Taohua Lake. On the day when Li Bai left, there were ten bundles of silks and satins. Looking back, Li Bai was very moved: "Sir, how easy it is to swim. Did Wang Lun give Li Bai eight famous horses? There are ten thousand hotels here. He immediately spread paper and studied ink. Li Bai asked where the Taoyuan Restaurant in Wang Lun was. This is an quaint way to see off guests. " Li Bai left happily. There is no peach blossom in the host's affectionate friendship. When I arrived in Jingxian County, I said, "Peach Blossom is the name of pool water, and the ship is about to leave the shore. The owner of Wanjia is surnamed Wan. I saw Wang Lun and many villagers marching on the shore, singing farewell songs and sending servants aboard. Suddenly I heard a song and wrote this poem to Wang Lun. Wang Lun, a hero in Jingxian County, heard that Li Bai, a great poet, lived in his uncle Li's home in Nanling.