The gangster
The gangsters come to trade silk. The bandits come to trade silk. When they come, they come to me. I send my son to Sheqi, and to Dunqiu. A good matchmaker. The general is not angry, and the autumn is here for the future. I rode on that wall to hope for the return of the pass. When I did not see the return of the pass, I burst into tears. When I saw the return of the pass, I laughed and said something. There is no blame in the body. . Come with your car, and I will bribe you to move. The mulberry trees have not yet fallen, and their leaves are as thick as silk. When the doves are here, there is no food for the mulberries! When the girls are here, there is no time to spend time with the scholars! It is still possible to say that the scholars are here to stay. It is indescribable to say that women are lazy. The mulberry trees have fallen, and they have turned yellow and died. I have been poor since I was three years old. The water in Qi is wet, and the clothes are gradually wearing clothes. The women are not happy, and the scholars are not doing what they want. The scholars are also disrespectful. Extremely, the virtues of two or three. She is a wife at the age of three, working hard at home; she is up early and sleeps at night, and she has a court. Once the words are fulfilled, it will be violent. Brothers don’t know, so they laugh. Think about it quietly, bow to yourself Mourning. As we grow old together, the old makes me resentful. Qi has a bank, and Xi has a pan. At the banquet of the General Corner, everyone talks and laughs. Make a vow and don’t think about the opposite. If you don’t think about it, that’s it! p>
Picking Wei
Picking Wei, picking Wei, the Wei also stops. It is said to return, and the age has not stopped. It is because of the 猃狁 that the house is spread out, the 烁狁 That's why. When I pick weeds, the weeds are soft and stop. When I say return, my heart is also worried. My worry is strong, and I am hungry and thirsty. My garrison is not yet decided, and I am reluctant to return. When I pick weeds, the weeps are firm and stop. . It is said that Gui is returning, and the age of the year is also Yang. The king's affairs are endless, and he does not miss his place. I am worried and guilty, and I can't do it. Where is the Bierwei, the flower of Wei Chang. Where is the road, the gentleman's chariot. The military chariot. Now that you are driving, you will have four oysters. How dare you settle down and gain three victories in one month? If you are driving the four oysters, the four oysters will race. A gentleman will rely on you, and a villain will fall in love with you. The wings of the four oysters are like fish-killing clothes. Isn't it not the sun's warning and the harpoon? Acanthus. In the past, I left, and the willows lingered. Now I come to think about it, and the rain and snow are falling. The journey is delayed, and I am hungry and thirsty. My heart is sad, but I don’t know how sad I am.