In fact, there may be an allusion here. It is said that during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, a Yizhou secretariat in Nanqi was similar to the present mayor of Chengdu, and his name was Liu Youzhi. He gave the willows from Sichuan to Emperor Wu of Qi, that is, he gave several willows from Sichuan to Emperor Wu of Qi. These willows are "very long, like a wisp" and the wicker is very long. Look at its shape, it looks like a beautiful ribbon. Emperor Wu of Qi transplanted these willows to his tomb and temple. I often sing in front of the willow tree and enjoy it, saying that the willow tree is "romantic and lovely"
Therefore, here, "Jasper makeup is as high as a tree, and thousands of green tapestries hang down." It is likely that this hint to the willow tree is used in secret. These two poems are generally about the willow tree, which is so tall, as noble as a beautiful woman, and so graceful at the same time.
The "Jasper" in "Jasper Dressed as a Tree Height" has a lot to do with an ancient image of China in addition to allusions. When we mention jasper, we will think of a sentence in "Jasper Song": "Jasper breaks the melon, Lang is in love." Wang Wei's Song of a Girl in Luoyang also contains a poem similar to "He likes this girl of humble origin, he teaches her to dance, and he gives his coral tree to almost anyone". It can be said that the word "Jasper" has become a general term for young and beautiful women in ancient poetry. Then, using jasper to describe willow is also to describe the softness of willow.