1 The three ancestors of the Israelites were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Abraham or Ibrahim, whose original name was ﹝Abram﹞ or Abraham, was a prophet of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and was chosen and blessed by God from all living beings on the earth. At the same time, it is also the same ancestor of the legendary Hebrew nation and the Arab nation.
Isaac (Hebrew:; Arabic: ; English: Isaac), also translated as Isaac or Isaac, is a character in the Bible, the only son born to Abraham and his wife Sarah, and the father of Esau and Jacob.
In the original text, Isaac means to laugh. Among the Jewish ancestors, Isaac is the oldest, the only one who has not changed his name, and the only one who has never left Canaan (although he tried to leave once, God told him not to). Compared with other ancestors in the Bible, Isaac's experience is relatively dull and there are few changes in his life.
4 Jacob also translated "Jacob". One of the three holy fathers of Israel. His life story is described in Genesis in the Bible. Jacob is the second son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham (pronounced Ibrahim in Arabic). When he was born, he grabbed his twin brother Esau's heel, so he was named "Jacob" (meaning "grasping"). He once exchanged "a bowl of red soup" for Esau's birthright, and conspired with his mother Rebekah to defraud his father Isaac's blessing. Afraid of Esau's revenge, he fled to Haran to join his uncle Laban, married his cousins Leah and Rachel, and took his maidservants Bilhah and Zilpah as concubines, and had 12 children. Later, Jacob led his family back to the land of Canaan, and went to Jabo Ferry to wrestle with the angel. The angel renamed him "Israel" and blessed him, reiterating that he would give the promised land to Abraham and Isaac to his children, so that they could become a nation. Therefore, the descendants of Jacob are called "Israelites". Jacob was taken to Egypt by his son Yue Se to escape from famine in his later years, and settled in Goshen, where he died at the age of 147.