From the Analects of Confucius: I heard Shao in Qi, but I didn't know the taste of meat in March, saying: I don't want to be happy. Confucius heard Shao Le in Qi, but he couldn't taste meat for a long time. He said, "I didn't expect Shao's music to be so charming."
I don't know the story of March meat
After Confucius came to Qi, he met a musician named Shun. After listening to Shao performed by musicians (after a musical scene), I don't know the taste of March meat. It can be seen that Confucius did not lose his sense of smell and taste, nor did he not eat meat for three months in a row. After Confucius heard Shun's wonderful music, his ideological realm was promoted and he rose to the realm of wanting nothing.
During this period, Confucius felt peaceful and sweet, and felt unprecedented balance and relief. This mentality is like we are immersed in something and don't think about it. From this, Confucius will send out the feeling of "I don't know the taste of meat in March".